Iran Video: The Tribute to 13 Aban's Protesters

Latest Iran Video: The 13 Aban Protests (4 November — 4th Set)
Latest Iran Video: The 13 Aban Protests (4 November — 3rd Set)
Latest Iran Video: The 13 Aban Protests (4 November — 2nd Set)
Latest Iran Video: The 13 Aban Protests (4 November — 1st Set)
The Latest from Iran (4 November — 13 Aban): Today Is The Day
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"NedaSoltan" has assembled some of the most dramatic images and video, putting them to music:
Latest Iran Video: The 13 Aban Protests (4 November — 3rd Set)
Latest Iran Video: The 13 Aban Protests (4 November — 2nd Set)
Latest Iran Video: The 13 Aban Protests (4 November — 1st Set)
The Latest from Iran (4 November — 13 Aban): Today Is The Day
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"NedaSoltan" has assembled some of the most dramatic images and video, putting them to music:
13 Aban,
Iran Elections 2009 in
Middle East & Iran

Reader Comments (8)
I just learned regime forces have desecrated Neda’s grave.
I understand every Thursday evening Neda’s mother goes to the cemetery. When she gets there this Thursday evening she finds her daughter’s grave destroyed. She starts taking pictures to report the incident. At that time regime forces show their ugly faces confiscate and break her mobile. Neda’s mother then realizes regime forces are the real perpetrators. The mobile of her companion is open and has recorded her scream and the exchange. It was heartbreaking to hear her agony and pain when she discovers that even her daughter’s grave is subject of atrocity by the regime.
I understand CNN had recorded a program to be aired on November 17 at 9:00 PM in which Neda’s mother had given an interview. Obviously desecration of Neda’s grave was a payback for that interview. How LOW will IR THUGS GO???????
This rumour of the desecration of Neda's grave was hotly debated overnight, according to Josh Shahryar. It appears that it is not true, but we will keep an eye out.
Mr. Saghafi's reporter was at the cemetery with Neda's mother. The open mobile was hers. Mr. Saghafi is Director of Iran Press News. I heard Neda's mother on a 2 to 3-min recording.
Mr. Saghafi's interview with epersianradio was at 9:00 AM, PST, 5th November. Most likely it will be in the archive of epersianradio either tomorrow or on Saturday if you want to double check it.
In the same interview Mr. Saghafi had an ominous news and due to its gravity I prefer to send that to you by e-mail. It will be in your inbox in a few minutes.
Thank you for all of this information.
You have to write what had happened in the cemetery ; Neda was one of the sensitive "subject" and the "symbol" over the world so that everybody knows how terrible regime run our country and how miserable are our people to put up with !!!
This is such a beautiful & powerful song. Thank you for posting this Scott.
@Megan I thought that was an old recording, anyway if it was true we would have video of her site by now also her mother visits her on Fridays which is traditional, I think she said that in the interview with CNN, until further confirmation this is just another rumour for me. We need to be careful spreading rumours because that is what the regime wants us to do, so they can say we are untruthful. We have enough hysteria to deal with no point getting worked up by anything we do not know happened and in my opinion doesn't seem likely that it's true.
You have to send it to all the media, it should be like a bomb which explode on the face of the regime and I am sure, this lady, the mother of Neda would appreciate it ,because she couldn't afford it herself such eveything is censured and reprimended ; it will be as a heavy load on the shoulders of everyone in the regime.
Visit to cemetery is Shabeh Jomeh (night of Friday) which means Thursday night. Furthermore, I care for my credibility and I do not publish anything until I hear it myself. If you believe Saghafi is not a credible source that is your prerogative.
Lastly, I do not give a flying care as to whether this regime finds us truthful or not. Why the hell should anybody care about that? These morons do not know the meaning of truthfulness even if you shoved it down their throats. These God’s rejects have no ability to process anything anyone says, truthful or otherwise. Furthermore, if they cared and paid attention to what others say, they would not be the criminal and the bastard liars they are. Wake up and smell the coffee, AM.