Israel & Turkey: Repairing Relations, Leaving Gaza Behind?

During the meeting, Peres tried to deal with the underlying causes of tense Israeli-Turkish relations. He did not defend the "necessity" of the Gaza War, but he blamed Hamas of dragging Gazans into trouble. Peres added:
Israel seeks real, just peace with its neighbors and has announced its willingness to go to great lengths to achieve peace.
Gaza could have turned into a prosperous area under Abu Mazen [Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas]. Unfortunately, Hamas murdered Fatah leaders in Gaza and is now gravely harming the Palestinian population. If Hamas changes course by recognizing Israel and denouncing terror, the face of Gaza will undergo an extreme change.
Abdullah Gul,
Ehud Barak,
Gaza Strip,
Shimon Peres,
United Nations in
Middle East & Iran

Reader Comments (1)
I find the comment saying Gaza would have turned into a prosperous area under Mahmoud Abbas rather unfitting of a democratic sate considering the fact that Hamas did get elected by the Palestinians. Then again double standard does seem to be the norm in international politics.
I have agree with Peres tho, its hard to argue against the fact that Hamas should bare at least equal responsibility for the plight of the people in Gaza.