Iran Special LiveBlog: Ayatollah Montazeri Has Died

There are also stories that newspapers have been taken off printing presses to be altered. So far only Etelaat has a full obituary of Montazeri. so far.
Latest Iran Video: Montazeri’s Criticism of Supreme Leader Khamenei (October 2009)
Latest Iran Video: Demonstrations in Memory of Montazeri (20 December)
The Latest from Iran (20 December): Montazeri Death; Regime Scrambles for Legitimacy
1710 GMT: "Following the announcements made by a number of Grand Ayatollahs inviting public to mourn the departure of the great shia scholar and noble combatant, Grand Ayatollah Montazeri, in a joint statement Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi declared Monday to be a national mourning day and invited the grieving public to attend Grand Ayatollah Montazeri’s funeral which will be held (then)."
1650 GMT: Ahmad Qabel, a religious scholar and one of Montazeri's disciples of the late Ayatollah Hossein-Ali Montazeri, has been arrested while en route to Qom from Mashhad. Qabel is an outspoken critic of the Supreme Leader. There is no information about Qabel's captors or where he is being held.
Meanwhile, some political activists and journalists are claiming that security agents on Sunday afternoon have threatened to arrest them if they participate in Montazeri's funeral.
1635 GMT: Both Mir Hossein Mousavi (text in Persian and English) and Mehdi Karroubi have published their condolences over the death of Montazeri.
1555 GMT: Enduring America's Mr Smith has some sharp observations on the messages of the Supreme Leader and Hashemi Rafsanjani (1540 and 1545 GMT):
The Leader's message is not really congratulatory: he was forced to act (after half a day's delay, compared to the senior theologians who went to Montazeri's house in Qom), and he refers to the incident that led to Montazeri's dismissal in 1989. He essentially states that Montazeri did Khomeini wrong on that issue and reserves judgement for God. Khamenei couldn't stay silent on the issue of his death, but his message is anything but congratulatory.
Same for Hashemi Rafsanjani: his message is terse and quite dry, as it was Rafsanjani himself who engineered Montazeri's dismissal. His condolences contain nothing about Montazeri's political activities, (which spanned some 50 years, and notes only his theologian qualities, saying that "the seminary system and Islamic society will miss his presence".
So, all in all, these two are messages who were forcibly spat out, rather than being heartfelt
1545 GMT: And now the message from the Supreme Leader....It refers to Montazeri's important role in the early years of the Islamic Republic:
[He was a] well-versed jurist and a prominent master....Many disciples have benefited greatly from him....Ayatollah Montazeri spent a long period of his life serving the late founder of the Islamic Revolution and made many efforts and suffered much hardship for advancing this cause.
However, Khamenei also mentions the incident that led to the cleric's dismissal in 1989.
1540 GMT: Hashemi Rafsanjani's condolence message for Montazeri is carefully framed, omitting any reference to the cleric's political activities and instead limiting itself to the religious sphere: "The seminary system and Islamic society will miss his presence."
1535 GMT: Both Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi have confirmed that they will attend Montazeri's funeral tomorrow.
1525 GMT: Back from an appearance with Al Jazeera English on another topic to catch up with developments. Both Ayatollah Sane'i and former President Mohammad Khatami have issued public condolences.
1205 GMT: Pictures indicate that the city of Najafabad has shut down, with all shops closed, in memory of Montazeri.
1155 GMT: The regime seems to be almost panicked in its response to the news of Montazeri's death. EA sources report that initially the Ministry of Islamic Guidance and Culture ordered newspapers to ignore it. When this proved impossible, outlets like Raja News and Fars News insulted Montazeri by dropping his titles and emphasising his "support of positions against the Islamic system".
Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting finally mentioned Montazeri's death in its 1 p.m. bulletin, belittling the cleric and using an interview with his physician to establish that Montazeri had died of natural causes.
1100 GMT: Reports that Montazeri's funeral will be Monday, 9 a.m. local time.
The pro-Government Raja News has announced the death of "Hossein Ali Montazeri" in a derogatory article, dropping any clerical title and denouncing Montazeri for working with and sheltering the "gang" of Mehdi Hashemi, the son of former President Hashemi Rafsanjani.
1030 GMT: Parleman News reports that Montazeri’s followers are moving --- from Tehran, Isfahan, Shiraz, Najaf-Abad and other cities --- toward his home in the holy city of Qom to pay their respects. There are also gatherings in the homes of Grand Ayatollahs Mousavi-Ardebili, Shobeiri-Zanjani, Bayat-Zanjani, Sane'i, and Amini.
0800 GMT: Radio Farda has the Persian transcript and audio of Ayatollah Montazeri's last public statement, delivered on 11 December as he accepted a human rights award.
0730 GMT: Grand Ayatollah Montazeri's website is not available to confirm the news of his passing. The Associated Press posts, however, that his grandson has verified initial reports, and his son Ahmad has reportedly said the same to the Iranian Labor News Agency.
We awake this morning to the news, from the Iranian Students News Agency, that Grand Ayatollah Hossein-Ali Montazeri has died.
Montazeri, 87, was one of the most prominent clerics in Iran since the 1979 Islamic Revolution. In the 1980s he was the designated successor to the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khomeini, until he was sidelined because of political and religious divisions and a falling-out with Khomeini. Ayatollah Khameini eventually became Supreme Leader. Montazeri was isolated and then placed under house arrest after clashes with Khamenei.
In recent months, Montazeri was one of the most vocal supporters of the opposition movement, going as far as to criticise the legimitacy of the Supreme Leader. For example, at the end of October, he refused to commemorate the birthday of Imam Reza, the 8th Shia Imam, as a protest:
Since many of our beloved scholars, those who are not only faithful individuals but also served this revolution and country passionately, are unfortunately in prison for false accusations; and to show solidarity and sympathy with the respected families of these loved ones, we did not hold a celebration today....During Shah’s time because many people were under oppression, Imam Khomeini announced not to hold the ceremony for the Birthday of the hidden Imam.
On 11 December, the Defenders of Human Rights Center in Iran named Montazeri as its Human Rights Activist of the Year. In his acceptance speech, Montazeri said, "None of those [aggressive actions by the Iranian Government] are legal."
As he became the most vocal high-ranking clerical critic of the Iranian Government after the 12 June election, Montazeri caught the attention of international media. In October, the BBC had an e-mail interview with Montazeri on Islam and the legitimacy of the Iranian Government and Islamic Republic. On 21 November, Michael Slackman of The New York Times published a profile, "Cleric Wields Religion to Challenge Iran’s Theocracy".

Reader Comments (34)
I'm so upset I can't even begin to write a proper tribute right now. He was an incredible, incredible man. I feel like I'm in a coma, even though I'm actually awake. I feel like I want to cry, but I can't quite cry.
Obviously hes been sick for many years, and he's stuck in his home, and he's 87 years old. But those traits also make him the perfect target for murder by the IR, because they figure that people will be unsure enough that they might not make a big deal out of it.
Rest in peace, brave Montazeri. Know you were beloved by millions.
I just feel broken.
it's possible that he has been murdered
anyway he wasn't as bad as other mullahs or maybe he never had a chance to hold power, no one thought Khomeini would become such brutal murderer, neither Hitler. people found out how evil they were only after their political success
but he was a simple hearted man, they used to make many jokes of him over his simplicity, no he couldn't possibly be so evil, no way. the man was just a religious mullah
I hate the mullah and i hate religion in general, but I think he paid the price for standing for people's rights
all he had to do was to blindly follow Khomeini's path as all other ones in the regime and he would had had Khamenei's position in Iran or just to stay silence to what ever he was doing (good for him he didn't, at least he died like a human holding a good name)
when he opposed Khomeini's evil actions, mass executions of thousand at a time, and was put under house arrest, his followers started to protest and riot and almost took over some major cities in Iran. they had to exile him from Isfahan to Qom in order to shut him down (they let him live in exchange of silence)
if his followers only suspect that he was murdered, there is no one in the world who could stop them. plus many of his followers as Iran's top Shia leader are in the government, that means it
let me figure this out
I am not religious and I don't like the mollahs but I am so sad for his death; this poor man was a great man, who fought for justice and rights of iranian people and who had not a very funny life;
Dear Ayatollah Montazeri, " Rest in peace , and Be the witness of our Victory "! VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV
Rest in Peace. This is a blow for the movement. May he be watching over the greens wherever his soul now rests - and willing them on to victory. Free Iran VVV
Very sad news. He is gone, but people will remember him as one of the few good guys of the past 30 years.
Rest in peace! V V V
This is SAD. I am keeping track of how IRNA and Farce-news are disrespectfully treating him. They are not even calling him Ayatollah (see the" rel="nofollow">little snapshot i posted). I fear the regime is trying to use this to further agitate the Greens by opening insult on their departed Green grandfather ... Ahmadinejad seems intent on going to the end of grotesque to sell tickets to his macabre!
Rest in Peace.
Did he die or someone helped him die?
Is there any report on the casue of death?
Natural death or murder? Either way Montazzeri will become a symbol for the green movement. I think this will only encourage them more. The regime is failing on many levels, the regime`s attempt to gather masses on friday backfired, I think the low turnup will have a demoralizing effect on pro-government supporters. Their attempts to silence Karroubi has failed. Their threats against Mousavi, Hashemi and Karroubi has failed. Montazzeri`s death will give the greens reason to gather and protest. I hope his death will not be in vain.
The statement of Green Movement :
يا أيتها النفس المطمئنة ارجعي إلى ربك راضية مرضية فادخلي في عبادي و أدخلي جنتي.
واپسین دمان ظلمت، با هجرت غریب پیر مشعل دار ظلم ستیزان همراه شد. ملت ایران مردی را از دست داد که لحظه لحظه زندگی اش، درس حکمت و گذشت و آزادگی بود. اما وفاتش در این لحظات حساس و تاریخی، بغضی را شکست که در 6 ماه اخیر، مبارزه مجال شکستن اش را سلب کرده بود. اینک گویی از در و دیوار ماتم است که میبارد. گویی همه داغ های این چند ماه تازه میشود و آتش دل های شکسته به دریای اشک هم خاموش نمیگردد و چشم ها از آسمان بر نمیگردد.
آری! بسیاری در آسمان چشم انتظارش بودند. آری! امشب فرزندانش میزبانش هستند؛ امشب ندا و سهراب و محسن میهمانی عالی قدر دارند. آری! امشب در آسمان جشنی برپاست، چه خوشبخت اند، آنان که آزادگی را به ما آموختند و روشنایی را نشان مان دادند و به ابدیت پیوستند. خوشا آن کاروانی که سحرگاه به سرمنزل مقصود رسید.
او رفت اما مشعلی که روشن کرد، در دستان ماست.
Could anybody translate this magnificent text for those who don't read persian ; Thank you
So sad that he will not be alive to see a free Iran -- but I think after what he got off his chest the last six months he will rest in peace.
"Farce-news" love the title! I am sorry for your loss and I hope the Green movement continues to follow the message of this kind man who only wanted the dignity of basic human rights for all. It is quite sad even in death the regime can only attack him. They will regret this in the long run because the people will never forget!
به خداي كعبه كه رستگار شد
هم او كه حقوق بشر را بر حقوق مومنين جهان ارجح مي دانست نشان داد كه كه ميتوان مسلمان بود و ايراني زيست
درگذشت بزرگ مرد حسيني تاريخ معاصر كه نه تنها درس آزادگي حسين را فرياد ميزد بلكه با تمامي يزيديان زمان نيز همچون فرزند زهرا برخورد مينمود بر نسل بشر تسليت باد
The green movement's statement in french :
Les derniers souffles de l'obscurité ( l'image des derniers moments de ce regime ) ont accompagné le départ de ce vieil homme, porteur du flambeau de la lutte contre l'oppression. Le peuple iranien a perdu un homme dont chaque seconde de sa vie était une leçon pour la connaissance, le pardon et la liberté.
Son départ, dans ces moments sensibles et historiques, a fait jaillir des larmes qui, durant ces six derniers mois de lutte, n'avaient pas pu sortir. Il pleut de la tristesse de partout; comme si le feu de tous les coeurs brisés était ravivé, un feu qui ne peut pas s'éteindre, même avec un océan de larmes et les yeux fixés vers le ciel qui exhortent toujours l'aide divine.
Oui, beaucoup de gens l'attendait là-haut; oui ses enfants l'accueilleront ce soir; ce soir, Néda, Sohrab et Mohsen ont un invité de valeur; ce soir il y aura une grande fête au Ciel.
Heureux, ceux qui nous ont appris la liberté et la lumière et qui ont rejoint l'éternité; heureuse cette caravane qui est arrivée à destination.
Il est parti, mais le flambeau qu'il a allumé, est toujours entre nos mains.
The Sea of Green has lost one of it's best friends today. May you rest in peace Grand Ayatollah Montazeri, you will be missed.
Peace to his soul. Trust that he will continue his work even more freely from above!
@ Ange
Merci mille fois! Hopefully a good English translation of the Green Movement's condolences will surface soon.
The regime is now playing with fire. Not are they only attacking freedom seeking greens, now they start harrasing Grand Ayatollah Montazeri's followers as well.
You are welcome; I am impatiently waiting for the english translation; it's a " minimum" that we can do to praise this great man.
Mr Moussavi and Mr Karroubi have declared tomorrow, monday , as a day of national mourning and asked iranian people to participate in the funeral of Ayatollah Montazeri
Monitoring the False/Farce news site is somewhat amusing. Ever since Khamenei referred to him as "ayatollah" they have changed their headline and have "promoted" him to Ayatollah.
I am reading that the intelligence ministry is busy with threatening activists & journalists who plan to attend the funeral tomorrow, that upon arriving in Quom they shall be arrested!
Scott, speaking of arrest of Ahmad Ghabel; Hadi Ghabel (his brother) was present at Ayatollah's house and an audio file of his speech is here:
Thank you very much for this.