Latest Iran Video: Montazeri's Criticism of Supreme Leader Khamenei (1997; Redistributed October 2009)

In 1997, Grand Ayatollah Montazeri declared that the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, was not worthy to be a majra (a senior cleric worthy of emulation). The declaration resulted in his house arrest. Earlier this year, the video re-surfaced again amidst post-election protest:
Iran Urgent: Ayatollah Montazeri Has Died
The Latest from Iran (20 December): Montazeri Death; Regime Scrambles for Legitimacy
Reader Comments (4)
i think this speech is actually the one he made in 1997 (for which his house was attacked by thugs and he was placed under house arrest for several years).
Mukharbish, you are correct.
Naj and Mukharbish,
My thanks to both of you for correcting my mistake.
Is this the same speech Muhammad Sahimi wrote about in" rel="nofollow">this obit for Tehran Bureau (in which Montazeri advised Khatami to tell Khamenei, "You and your office are respected, but I was elected with 20 million votes and, therefore, I should be allowed to run the country.")?