The Latest from Iran (20 December): Montazeri Death; Regime Scrambles for Legitimacy

2049 GMT: The Revolutionary Danger of Dating. More than 60 operators and managers of Iranian Internet sites for dating have been arrested for anti-cultural and immoral activities in their promotion of "a gallivanting lifestyle".
2045 GMT: The Kahrizak Abuses. The blog Persian2English has produced an English translation of the official report of the Armed Forces judiciary panel concluding that three detainees died from abuse at Kahrizak Prison.
1845 GMT: Another Demonstration. A brief video clip has come in of a protest today at Arak University.
1600 GMT: Ongoing Coverage of Grand Ayatollah Montazeri's Death. We have updated with extensive information and analysis on condolences, political developments, and plans --- including tomorrow's funeral --- surround Montazeri's passing.
1345 GMT: EA's Mr Smith comments:
Grand Ayatollahs Safi Golpayegani, Mousavi Ardabili, and Sanei and Ayatollahs Gerami, Shabbiri Zanjani, Mousavi Tabrizi, and Taheri Khorramabadi have visited Montazeri's bayt (house) to offer their respects. This is extremely important as, in Shia clerical custom, going to someone's house means deferring to that person's authority and or power. It is therefore a significant slap in the face of Government efforts to belittle Montazeri.

1145 GMT: The Political Challenge of Montazeri. We're getting a lot of news on the regime's attempts to deal with the challenge posed by Grand Ayatollah Montazeri's death, first by ignoring it, now by belittling it and criticising the cleric --- all will be posted soon in an update in our separate entry.
Meanwhile Mr Smith checks in to give the political dimension of the events: "Montazeri simply could not have died at a more topical moment: the seventh day of his passing will be none other than Ashura itself, which this year is shaping up to be the very worst in the lives of Khameni, Ahmadinejad and their cohorts. The pressure on them on those days simply cannot be measured."
1135 GMT: Videos, Protests in Memory of Montazeri. We've posted the first videos of demonstrations in memory of Grand Ayatollah Montazeri, and we also have put up the video of his October criticism that the Supreme Leader was not worthy to be a marja (senior cleric worthy of emulation).
1110 GMT: The Latest on Montazeri's Death. We have latest developments in a separate entry. One notable political move: the pro-Government newspaper Raja News is using Grand Ayatollah Montazeri's passing to attack Hashemi Rafsanjani, claiming the Grand Ayatollah was working with the "gang" of Rafsanjani's son Mehdi Hashemi.
NEW Iran Document: Karroubi Responds to Threat of Arrest
NEW Latest Iran Video: Montazeri’s Criticism of Supreme Leader Khamenei (October 2009)
NEW Latest Iran Video: Demonstrations in Memory of Montazeri (20 December)
NEW Iran Urgent: Ayatollah Montazeri Has Died
Iran Analysis: RegimeFail?
Iran Special: Austin Heap on “The Attack on Twitter”
Latest Iran Video: Mehdi Karroubi Interview with BBC (17 December)
The Latest from Iran (19 December): After the Mythical “Millions”
1100 GMT: Karroubi Responds to Threat of Arrest. We've posted Mehdi Karroubi's letter responding sharply to the threat of Iran's head of judiciary, Sadegh Larijani, that he has enough evidence to arrest the cleric and other opposition leaders.
0825 GMT: Sane'i Message for Ashura. Ayatollah Yusuf Sane'i has spoken to students about the protests during the holy month of Moharram and specifically on the day of Ashura (27 December), reiterating the need for non-violent demonstration: “If you respond to violence with violence then your reform movement will not have any result....Persist on getting your rights and be present anywhere and in any place that is talk of defending the oppressed.” He added that Imam Hossein will protect those who are mourning for him.
Grand Ayatollah Saanei repeatedly upheld both the image of Imam Hossein, whose death is marked by Ashura, and the ideals of Ayatollah Khomeini: “We wanted of the revolution a government come to power that protects the nation’s rights and that was what Imam and people sacrificed for....Powers will never survive by oppression and tyranny.”
0800 GMT: We are providing rolling coverage of this morning's breaking news of the death of Grand Ayatollah Hossein-Ali Montazeri, 87, one of the most prominent clerical figures in post-1979 Iran and a vocal opponent of the Ahmadinejad Government and Supreme Leader. Most of the reaction is marking his death with sadness and tributes, but there is already some discussion of whether this news will hinder the opposition, as it loses one of its most powerful (if politically ostracised) voices, or boosts it, as Montazeri becomes a symbol for the cause of fighting injustice and oppression in the name of Islam.
The news overtakes a number of moves on both the Government and opposition sides. The regime moved yesterday to limit some of the post-election political damage from abuse of detainees, confirming that three had died from beatings in Kahrizak Prison and that 12 officials have been indicted for alleged abuses.
Perhaps more importantly, Iranian ministries are scrambling to repair the damage from Friday's mini-march that failed to establish Government legitimacy. The Ministry of Islamic Culture issued warnings to five newspapers (Abrar, Andishye-Noe, Jahan-Eghtesad, Etemad, and Mardom-Saalaari) for “not giving enough coverage” of the rallies, ostensibly organised to protest the burning of Ayatollah Khomeini's picture on 16 Azar (7 December).

Reader Comments (32)
The tide of history can turn from ebb to flow at unexpected times - and for unanticipated reasons.
Could this moment prove to be the time when the course of Iranian history changes? The Green movement has been waiting waiting for "something/someone" -- perhaps Grand Ayotollah Montazeri will be the "someone" providing the "something".? An indisputable reason to gather and mourn.
Many opponents of the IRI hold grudges against Karoubi and Mousavi for being Khomeini-crazed ... Ayatollah Montazeri was THE ONLY MAN who stood to Khomeini's atrocities ... he IS the one who will unite us in the mourning of his death, which will be celebration of his courage and dignity ... Khamenei better be trembling in his seat ... some people are more dangerous when dead than if alive ...
Ma bi chera zendeganinm
ishan be chera marge kheesh agahan
Mr Smith
Well seen, congratulations !! For once , we will have a great Ashura !
1145 GMT: "...this year is shaping up to be the very worst in the lives of Khamenei, Ahmadinejad and their cohorts."
In fact, this is the very best year. I am assured of my place in history as the One of great finesse and brilliance for having confirmed Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as President. Women are from Venus and I am from Marja. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is President of the Islamic Republic and leader of his Peers of Glory, while the leader of a Rafsanjani Gang can have no dignity before the people.
Deferential treatment is to be given only to leaders who have supported the Supreme Leader, the guide of the Republic. We cannot honor those who have fallen off the rightful path. Harsh words are remembered above the sadness of the minor misguided. The millions are with me and my word. Let the others mourn quietly.
Certain reminders of decorum are necessary when words disrespectful to the dignity of the Islamic Republic are uttered against the honorable elected leaders. Although, in such matters as food subsidies, some may disagree with the pronouncements of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, no one shall call him "The Misguided One."
I must inform the uninitiated that as a baby Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was known as the Illuminated Dwarf Star because of his prophesies. After words of the baby prophet had begun with a startling "aaaah la la la ah kuh bah ba ba ra ra ra ma ma wah da da", an iridescent beam of light emanating from the child shone onto his mother. His mother recorded the words of the light:
"In the land of the Great Satan, they shall look with infrared eyes and see below the ecliptic the blood star of vengeance."
"A horrible rain of fire will fall as if from exploding pomegranates. The seeds of destruction will be planted."
"In the great Satan's year of 2012 the infidels will cease to exist."
Let it be known to all: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the dwarf star, in his speeches, has not been and never will be incoherent to the wise, and only for the opposition does there seem an occultation of his wisdom, for they shall not be allowed to misuse his powers. Let not anyone call him a clown, for he is prepared for the end times as no other.
Already the signs: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has removed the Sunspots from the Sun and covered Copenhagen and Washington in snow.
And look to his speech in Azerbaijan, for he is a work of art, and a real piece of work
Montazeri in death may help Iranians in their quest for freedom from IR tyranny, something he could not achieve in life.
This is the spark that lights the fire; no ordinary red or yellow flame will sprout, but an intense conflagration of green will burn a path to freedom. Thank you Ayatollah Montazeri for a lifetime of wisdom and an eternity of guidance.
Ali Khamenei,
I think you may have missed your calling. I think you should quit your day job and become a satire writer. You have the talent and a bit of comic relief on Iran regime, would be welcomed by all people. Check with Saturday Night Live, my friend.
<Already the signs: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has removed the Sunspots from the Sun and covered Copenhagen and Washington in snow.
Then may he go down in history as the one who saved the planet ! (I'm a climate skeptic) LOL.
Just listening to Persian Radio (obviously I can't understand a word of it)
Can somebody kindly tell me how this radio station works - how does it get it's live feed out of Iran ??
They have people in Iran who go inside the protest and call the radio station on their cell phones. The person was just on the phone and reported on his location were about 5000 people. He was disconnected. I hope he can call back.
The report is Montazeri body is in route to the burial place. They plan to bury him at 12:00 noon- the prayer time.
Hi Megan
Thank you - I am also watching It is very informative
People at their home listen to the broadcast and call to disseminate any information they have on the event. For example, if there clashes between protesters and riot police or if the roads are closed to protesters, they report that. A woman who just called said she would be getting a call from Isfahan any minute and she would call back to report. Montazeri is from Najaf Abaad in Isfahan Province.
The man who was disconnected called back. He is in the middle of protest in Qom.
Mousavi and Karroubi are in the crowd.
Where is Samuel???? :)
This month is the month of blood (referring to Mohrram), and the end of dictator.
Today is a day of mourning, Green nation of Iran is in mourning
Today is the day of mourning, Our innocent leader (referring to Montazeri) is with God.
Ya Hossein, Mir Hossein
He has been MIA for over a week now. Probably on a new assignment.
"Where is Samuel???? :)"
Oh I've been doing much work which would have been highly approved of by Imam Khomeini. Not so much by Montazeri.
Here again we have another opportunity to show Green hyporcrisy. Mousavi and Karroubi will fall all over themselves praising Montazeri BUT there is no way that they can ever claim the he was also one of those truly following the path of Khomeini. The historical record is all too clear that Montazeri had betrayed Khomeini and the Revolution. We have the facts in Khomeini's own words.
Let's spread another one of thoser rumors so beloved by the reformists. The Pasdaran killed Montazeri.
Nobody ( except dinosaurs) cares about Khomenei anymore - he is a rotten corpse. His thoughts and ideology are also rotten. Time to move on.
We need somebody to translate Epersian radio into English - we westerners are missing out on all the fun. Could you oblige us?
"BUT there is no way that they can ever claim the he was also one of those truly following the path of Khomeini."
Of course not - you are correct in your statement.
Montazeri was not a killer - you only have to look at any photo of Khomenei and see the evil in HIS eyes. Psychopathic killer - determined to have his own way and get his revenge on all humanity - all in the name of a religion.
Khomeyni washed his hands with the blood of the killed people; please forget him; at the begining he was very pilosophical but after he showed his true face and don't support him he was a awful "KILLER"; Ayatollah Montazeri supported the wounded people and was with "OUR" people, and you are right , for this reason he had betrayed Khomeyni and very well done !!!!!!!!!!
Montazeri turned against Khomeini because he wanted to protect his relative Mahdi Hashemi who was a terrorist and murderer. This is precisely the reason why Rafsanjani also considered Montazeri a traitor. Notice that Rafsanjani is not falling all over himself praising the traitor.
Come on Greenies destroy another picture but don't behave like cowards and deny it afterward.
Those who support the revolution are not the people of Kufa. We do not forget or abandon our leaders. Those days are over.
Go barry, Go Ange.
Think as you want; you couldn't be right being alone when you have all the people ( not only here but all over the world ) against you ( not " you personally " but your thoughts) ; all the best.
viva iranian brave pepole and green wave.god blass ayatola montazeri he was a brave man and honest.we all never forget him and we'll fight for freedom