The Latest from Iran (25 April): Build-Up

According to RAHANA, the head of the ward threatened the prisoners and claimed she needs prosecutor’s orders before separating the inmates. The political prisoners have stated that they will continue their sit-in until they achieve their goal.
NEW Iran Special: Tehran, Defender of Women’s Rights (P.S. Don’t Mention Boobquake
NEW Iran: The Green Movement and the Labour Movement (Assadi)
NEW Iran: Hyping the Threat from Tehran (Walt)
Iran: The List of 101 Journalists Who Have Been Jailed
Iran Document: Mousavi on the Green Movement’s Strategy and Goals (22 April)
The Latest from Iran (24 April): Speaking of Rights
1555 GMT:Corruption Watch. Reihaneh Mazaheri, writing for Tehran Bureau, sets out a detailed summary of the corruption allegations against the Ahmadinejad Government.
1550 GMT: Morality Will Be Observed. Tehran Police Chief Ahmad Reza Radan has assured that the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance's moral police will soon restart controls for better security.
1535 GMT: Media Corner. Journalist Zaynab Kazemkhah, arrested on 7 February, was fired by Iranian Students News Agency upon her release from Evin Prison. Her boss allegedly told her that she was "a traitor to the country".
1525 GMT: Mousavi Speaks Again. No doubt about it: both Mehdi Karroubi (see 0600 GMT) and Mir Hossein Mousavi are making a renewed push against the Government. Mousavi told a group of war veterans today, "The only way for Iran to get out of the crisis would be for you (the rulers) to change your approach. May God end the crisis in favor of the nation."
Mousavi again declared that the Government is working against the values of the Islamic Republic, "Islam would not beat anyone, would not take anyone into incarceration ... and would not keep anyone in prison....We can not accept closure of newspapers and jailing those who talk of freedom and people's right. This is against Islam."
The Presidential candidate assured the audience that the opposition has not been vanquished despite the Government crackdown on dissent, "Do not think that the reform movement does not exist anymore. Such measures can not block the reform path."
1520 GMT: Rumour of Day (2). Rah-e-Sabz claims that staged television confessions of reformist prisoners are planned for the eve of the anniversary of the election, 12 June.
1310 GMT: Culture and Political Prisoners. Ten prominent Iranian writers and poets, including Simin Behbahani, Ali Ashraf Darvishian, Shams Langroodi, and Moniro Ravanipour, have published an open letter demanding the release of journalist Masoud Bastani and other political prisoners.
1230 GMT: Boobquake Watch. Protecting Iran from earthquakes by pursuing immorality, Tehran police have reportedly banned tanning salons.
1210 GMT: Another Larijani Warning. Speaker of ParliamentAli Larijani has told President Ahmadinejad that the Majlis' laws should be implemented. The Khabar Online article supplements the warning has lots of detail on the government's alleged mismanagement, especially missing reports on the budget and on state broadcaster IRIB.
1205 GMT: Rumour of Day. The Sunday Telegraph of London claims, "Iran has struck a secret deal with Zimbabwe to mine its untapped uranium reserves in a move to secure raw material for its steadily expanding nuclear programme."
It was this agreement that underlay President Ahmadinejad's visit to Harare this week.
Caution is needed here: the Sunday Telegraph has been known to peddle exclusives based on suspect sources and/or speculation. This story rests on a "government source" and, rather unusually, "a senior official in the Iranian embassy" in Zimbabwe.
1200 GMT: All is Well Update. Minister of Interior Mustafa Mohammad Najar has declared, ''During nine months' efforts (since the 12 June Presidential election), police forces across the country slapped the enemy's conspiracy."
He said, ''Due to proper instruction, police forces used proper contact with people and the forces used less amount of shooting (than in the past).''
1035 GMT: Nuclear Breakthrough? Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki has met the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Yukiya Amano, to discuss the uranium swap proposal. Mottaki told Iranian state television that he expected the discussions to be "decisive and detailed".
1030 GMT: We have posted a very special analysis linking Iran's suddenly-announced candidacy for the International Commission for Protection of Women’s Rights to the "Boobquake" episode.
(Just a thought, however. The Supreme Leader has his own Facebook page and has recently pronounced on Iran's defense of women's rights, so shouldn't he be informed of the Boobquake movement?)
0740 GMT: We have posted two features: an analysis of the Green Movement and labour movement by Jamshid Assadi and an assessment of the international "threat" from Iran by Stephen Walt.
0735 GMT: The Parliament Front. Another intervention by the Speaker of Parliament Ali Larijani in the contest with the Ahmadinejad Government: he has criticized administration officials who have reacted angrily to reports released by the Supreme Audit Court (SAC).
The Supreme Audit Court, overseen by Parliament, is mandated to control the financial operations and activities of all ministries, institutions, state companies, and other organizations which receive Government funding.
0650 GMT: Political Prisoner Watch. Student activist Milad Fadayi has been sentenced to a year in prison for “propaganda against the system”. Fadayi was detained on 2 December in his home by plainclothes agents.
Mohammad Hossein Agassi, the lawyer for Amir Reza Arefi, has said that Arefi's death sentence for "mohareb" (war against God) has been reduced to a 15-year prison term. Arefi was condemned to death in February.
However, RAHANA reports that Habibollah Golparipour has been sentenced to death by a Revolutionary Court in Iranian Kurdistan.
0600 GMT: We are watching the signs that the opposition, inside and outside Iran, is seeking a renewed challenge leading up to the anniversary of the Presidential election. According to his website, Mehdi Karroubi has told the German magazine Der Spiegel, "Although tranquillity has been restored, society is awaiting a spark....People should know that we will continue the campaign. The campaign is not against the [Islamic] republic. On the contrary, it is aimed at observing the constitution in which freedom of conscience and democracy has been clarified."
Some other bits and pieces to start the day....
Clerical Downgrade
A second cleric in Qom has been stripped of his status by a court. Hojatoleslam Mir Ahmadi was sentenced to forced exile from the city for ten years and banned from clerical activities.
Ahmadi was arrested by security forces days after a memorial service in February for the 40th day of the death of Grand Ayatollah Montazeri. Ahmadi had debated a student who criticised Montazeri and post-election turmoil in the country. The next day, he was arrested and later released.
Seyed Ahmad Reza Ahmadpour, who recently began a one-year prison sentence, also faces a ban on wearing the traditional clerical robe.
No Foreign Talk, Please
The Islamic Republic News Agency claims that the Deputy Minister for Cinema Affairs has directed that no foreign words be used in Iranian movie titles. According to the agency, a letter to officials declared, “Based on an approval by the cabinet to ban foreign words in banners, advertisements, etc…from now on, Iranian movies are not permitted to use foreign words in titles. This ban applies to films currently in production as well.”
International Rumour of Day
Ayoub Kara, Israel's deputy minister for development in the Negev and Galilee, has told a public meeting that an academic with ties to Iran's nuclear programme recently asked for asylum in Israel after it helped him to defect.
"It is too soon to provide further details," Kara said, adding only that the unidentified academic was "now in a friendly country."
The claim follows the resettlement of Iranian physicist Shahram Amiri in the US in March.
Ahmad Reza Radan,
Ali Ashraf Darvishian,
Ali Larijani,
Amir Reza Arefi,
Ayoub Kara,
Der Spiegel,
Evin Prison,
Habibollah Golparipour,
Hojatoleslam Mir Ahmadi,
International Atomic Energy Agency,
International Commission for Protection of Women’s Rights,
Iran Elections 2009,
Iranian Students News Agency,
Islamic Republic News Agency,
Jamshid Assadi,
Khabar Online,
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad,
Manouchehr Mottaki,
Mehdi Karroubi,
Milad Fadayi,
Moniro Ravanipour,
Reihaneh Mazaheri,
Seyed Ahmad Reza Ahmadpour,
Shahram Amiri,
Shams Langroodi,
Simin Behbahani,
Stephen Walt,
Supreme Audit Court,
Tehran Bureau,
United Nations Human Rights Council,
Yukiya Amano,
Zaynab Kazemkhah in
Middle East & Iran

Reader Comments (5)
Here's an interesting story:
A video is making the rounds of a report aired on Iranian state television in which young Iranians have been encouraged to marry at the graves of the soldiers killed during the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq War.
The report shows a young couple who are said to be students having their wedding ceremony at the grave of "unknown martyrs" from the Iraq-Iran War who are buried at Tehran University. (incl. video that's explained enough in the article for non-Persian speakers to follow)
The burial of war martyrs at Iranian universities, a trend following the election of Ahmadinejad in 2005, has a controversial history involving student protests, clashes with the Basij, and statements by professors who are now in prison.
RE 06.50 GMT: the lawyer for Amir Reza Arefi, has said that Arefi’s death sentence for “mohareb” (war against God) has been reduced to a 15-year prison term. Arefi was condemned to death in February. .... However, RAHANA reports that Habibollah Golparipour has been sentenced to death by a Revolutionary Court in Iranian Kurdistan.
More on executions, death sentences & heavy prison sentences for Kurdish political activists:
Dear Greens!
It may be a bit late for this, but if you don't want the Austrian foreign minister to meet with his Iranian counterpart, you should write him an e-mail:
Write to:
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You can use this text:
Sehr geehrter Herr Spindelegger,
wir als Unterstützer der Grünen Bewegung im Iran sind gegen das Treffen, welches zwischen Ihnen und Herrn Mottaki stattfinden soll.
Durch Ihren Handschlag und das Zusammentreffen vermitteln Sie nicht nur Österreich und Europa Ihre Sympathie gegenüber dem iranischen Regime, sondern auch dem Regime selbst!
Es kann nicht angehen, dass Sie als Teil der Europäischen Union Ihre Augen vor den massiven Menschenrechtsverletzungen im Iran verschließen. Die derzeitige Regierung Irans unter Herrn Ahmadinejad ist durch die offenbar gefälschte Präsidentschaftswahl vom 12. Juni 2009 an die Macht gekommen. Sie besitzt keine Legitimität durch die eigene Bevölkerung, wie die monatelangen Proteste gegen diese Wahl gezeigt haben.
Ein Dialog mit einer Regierung, die friedliche Proteste brutal niederschlägt und für den Tod dutzender gewaltloser Demonstranten sowie für systematische Folter in Gefängnissen und Hinrichtungen von Minderjährigen verantwortlich ist, kann nicht zielführend sein.
Wir bitten Sie daher inständig, das Treffen mit Herrn Mottaki abzusagen! Der Versuch einer Einigung im Atomstreit darf nicht auf Kosten der Menschenrechte der iranischen Bevölkerung erfolgen.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
A wrap-up of recent news on the labour front:
Iranian Workers Protest Unpaid Wages & Basij Forces Prepare for May Day
The Pentagon is not impressed
Iran's Revolutionary Guard has launched annual naval, air and ground exercises in the Persian Gulf region, and a senior Iranian official said it would show off a new high-speed gunboat. Pentagon spokesman called the three-day exercises "somewhat routine," and predicted they will not impact U.S. naval operations in the area.
Source: VOA