Latest Iran Video: Protests of 22 Khordaad (12 June)

Tonight's Allahu Akbars (God is Great) --- One of Several Clips
Claimed Footage of Clashes at Vali-e Asr Avenue, Tehran
Sharif University, Tehran
Tehran University
Near Enghelab Avenue, Tehran "Death to Dictator"
Sharif University, Tehran "Meeting the Security Forces"
Sharif University
Security Forces, Hafez Bridge, Tehran
The Latest from Iran (12 June): 22 Khordaad
Claimed Footage of Clashes at Vali-e Asr Avenue, Tehran
Sharif University, Tehran
Tehran University
Near Enghelab Avenue, Tehran "Death to Dictator"
Sharif University, Tehran "Meeting the Security Forces"
Sharif University
Security Forces, Hafez Bridge, Tehran
Reader Comments (8)
[...] Latest Iran Video: Protests of 22 Khordaad (12 June) | Enduring ... [...]
[...] von heutigen Demonstrationen im Iran 12. Juni 2010 — Thomas v. der Osten-Sacken Hier erste Videos von Demonstrationen und Protestesten im Iran. Veröffentlicht in Videos, Vor Ort. Kommentar schreiben [...]
Onlymehdi just Twittered: REMOVING SHARIF VIDEO UNTILL I AM SURE. There's a lot of uncertainty/discussion on Facebook about the of the video. Some say this is not from today - or Sharif...
[...] Eine Zusammenstellung von Videos befindet sich hier [...]
My prayers for the people of Iran in their struggle <3
It looks like it's from today...
[...] that there were 100,000 on the streets around Enghelab Square alone. It also contrasts with the videos and live blogs on Dissected News and elsewhere. Which part was quiet? The hundreds of arrests, the [...]
[...] Josh Shahryar’s analysis and Enduring America’s videos. [...]