Enduring America's Very First Weekend Caption Contest
Sunday, December 6, 2009 at 22:00
As a little light relief this weekend we're inaugurating our first ever Enduring America Caption Contest. The rules are simple: leave your caption(s) in the comments and the one we like best will win a fabulous prize our undying admiration.
Thanks to Catherine for suggesting the original image.
UPDATE: due to a great response and in honour of Azar 16 we're extending the contest through today, before putting it to a vote Tuesday and announcing a winner Wednesday.
[photo via Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty]
Reader Comments (50)
jlbtwee and ken mac, I haven't laughed so much in a long while!
Whaddaya mean, tunnel vision? Where's that?
Protesters, stop it already. You're giving me a headache this big.
It was an honor to let the Supreme Leader use my right hand for cleaning himself! I just wish he wouldn't shove it up that far!
My fingers on both hands want to make a V sign .. I am a green - or is that a Vulcan? Ooops, better not say that out loud had I?!
Hey you Green, you finally make me eat a crow this big
Hey you Green, you have shoved a baton this big up my A**
I thought there were no gays in Iran... until I saw Khamenei's johnson. It was this big.
We are this close to taking the Revolution back to the glory of its early days. Thanks greenies, could not have done it without you.
"So my wife asked me, 'Mahmoud when do you stop doing bad things to our own people?' I said when everybody is as crushed as my mother-in-law...
My votes: 1) jlbtwee and 2) hamid.. lol!
my vote : bigwinman, number 5
My vote Hamid @ No 29 - looooooooool that really made me lol :D
I saw the hidden imam, he was this big.
No wonder he could stay hidden so long.
When he saw me, he ran away and hid again!
صبح امروز محمود احمدی نژاد در یک کنفرانس خبری اعلام کرد كه به خاطر تلاشهای صلح جویانه اش در راستای حذف اسراییل از نقشه جهان، انکار هولوکاست و همچنین سرکوب و کشتار ملاطفت آمیز مخالفان تقلب در انتخابات اخیر ایران ، بنیاد صلح نوبل در اقدامی نادر ، دومین جایزه جایزه صلح نوبل امسال را به ایشان اهدا کرد. وی در حالی كه اصل جایزه خود را به خبر نگاران نشان میداد افزود: متاسفانه به علت سهل انگاری بنیاد نوبل تاریخی كه بر روی جایزه هک شده است اشتباها به جای ۲۰۰۹ ، سال ۲۰۰۳ بر روی آن هک شده است. وی در جواب یک خبر نگار كه چرا بر روی جایزه به جای نام محمود احمدی نژاد، نام شیرین عبادی آمده است گفت به علت شیرینی لبخند من و همچنین عبادت های بسیارم ، مرا در خانه شیرین عبادی مینامند، كه مدارکش هم موجود است و میتوانم به شما نشان بدهم. بنیاد نوبل هم در این راستا اعلام کرد: ما دیگه رسما کم آوردیم
Credit to
Yes, I raise my arms, but it's SEPAH pulling my strings.
Ok Basijis, one more time. To clap, bring your hands together like this.
The size of my jail cell will be this big.
Nicolebrummer: great... lol I'm laughing so hard it hurts!
It wasn't me, it was my hand. It was my sleeve's fault!
"This is the SIZE requirment for new Basiji recruits. This is being done so the Greenies will feel the full effect the of the Basiji's LOVE for them in Evin Prison. It is our ardent hope the people will trully understand our love for them through this nobel edict! In addition, free lubricant will be handed out to all along with another sack of potatoes."
Sorry to those in who may think this is disrespectful of those oppressed in Iran--the disrespect is meant entirely for the coup regime.
Wait a minute I thought he earlier said it was this big:
My god how on the earth can we ever trust this guy?
The rules are simple: Forget that Mike Dunn guy and his undying admiration, leave your caption(s) in the comments and the one Ahmadinejad likes best will win a fabulous prize, 10 years in Evin and something this big from his best friend Mr Peach.
UPDATE: due to a great response and in honour of Azar 16 we're extending the contest through today, before putting it to a vote Tuesday and announcing a winner Wednesday.
"And it's goood!! The IRGC scores a touchdown with QB Khamenei lobbing a 63-yard hail mary. But he got tackled hard on the play..."
Nicholbrummer very funny !