EA Video Special: How to Win Presidential Debate Buzzword Bingo....
Monday, October 22, 2012 at 8:23
Scott Lucas in Barack Obama, Buzzword Bingo, EA USA, Mitt Romney, US Elections 2012, US Foreign Policy, US Politics

See also US Elections Analysis: A Foreign Policy Debate Which Will Not Mean That Much
US Elections Video: Obama or Romney? And Does It Make Any Difference? --- "Seminar" at the University of Birmingham

As Barack Obama and Mitt Romney square off in the third and final Presidential debate tonight, devoted to questions on foreign policy, EA gives you the words that will ensure you're a winner in Buzzword Bingo.

God, leadership, terrorism, Libya, and Al Qa'eda --- they're all here in six minutes and your cut-out and keep playing card:

Article originally appeared on EA WorldView (http://www.enduringamerica.com/).
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