EA Video Analysis: Why The Presidential Election Is Now Down to "Ohio+4"...and How It Could Be a Tie
Wednesday, October 24, 2012 at 7:24
Scott Lucas in Barack Obama, EA USA, Mitt Romney, US Elections 2012, US Politics

See also US Elections Analysis: Obama Wins, But Romney Stakes Claim to Be Commander-in-Chief

In our latest 6-minute guide on How to Become an Expert on the US Presidential Election, we explain why the race is now down to "Ohio+4".

If Mitt Romney takes Ohio, then he needs to win at least two of these four states --- Virginia, Colorado, Iowa, and Nevada --- to move into the White House.

But if Romney loses Ohio, then he has to win all four of those states for a 269-269 tie in the Electoral College, taking the decision to the House of Representatives.

Article originally appeared on EA WorldView (http://www.enduringamerica.com/).
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