Syria Audio: Scott Lucas on Monocle 24 "There is No Diplomatic Way Forward"
Wednesday, May 30, 2012 at 7:12
Scott Lucas in Bashar al-Assad, EA Middle East and Turkey, Kofi Annan, Middle East and Iran, Monocle 24, The Monocle Daily

I spoke with Monocle 24 Radio on Tuesday night, going beyond the day's events --- from the expulsion of Syrian diplomats by a number of countries to President Assad's meeting with United Nations envoy Kofi Annan --- to argue that the Syrian regime is "In for a Penny, In for a Pound", committed to the crushing of the insurgency and the suppression of the opposition.

That in turn means, "There is no diplomatic solution." And, by the gloomy conclusion of the interview was that we were likely to be discussing the same pattern of events six months from now.

The discussion is on "The Monocle Daily" --- you will need to get to the programme through "Filter Timeshift" --- beginning at the 7:08 mark.

Article originally appeared on EA WorldView (
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