EA Video Analysis: Introducing "The Love Triangle of Profileration" --- Iran, Syria, North Korea
Saturday, April 20, 2013 at 7:28
Scott Lucas in China and East Asia, David Albright, EA Global, EA Iran, EA Live, EA Middle East and Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Middle East and Iran, North Korea, Syria

Ten years ago, it was the Axis of Evil --- Iraq, Iran, and North Korea.

Today, it is the "Nexus of Proliferation", with Iran and North Korea still featured and Syria replacing the fallen Saddam Hussein.

This 8-minute analysis explains how members of Congress and an "expert" --- step up, Dr David Albright of the Institute for Science and International Security, the man who has declared dangers of the Iranian nuclear programme such as "Magnets of Doom" and "Pink Tarpaulins" --- has given us this new label for the Threat to America.

Article originally appeared on EA WorldView (http://www.enduringamerica.com/).
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