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Entries in BBC WM (15)


US Audio Feature: Ryan, Romney, and Guns --- Scott Lucas with the BBC

See also US Politics Analysis: Why Paul Ryan's VP Nomination is So Important

I spoke with BBC WM on Tuesday about the US Presidential election.

The conversation started with an easy question, in light of a series of shooting sprees causing multiple deaths, "Will gun control be a prominent issue in the campaign?" (Answer: No.)

The more challenging task was to introduce Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney's choice as Vice Presidential running mate, and assess his effect on the race.

The take-away line is that Ryan --- in contrast to the 2008 candidate, Sarah Palin --- is strong on ideas; however, his strong positions on the economy and social spending are likely to bring as many problems as benefits to the GOP effort. In US politics, you whip up your party by appealing to the committed, but you win elections by persuading the "center".

There is also discussion of the geographical factor: this is the first time in decades that neither candidate on the Republican slate has come from the West or the South.

The discussion starts just before the 1:39.00 mark.


Britain-US Audio Feature: So Mitt Romney is Meeting the Prime Minister? --- Scott Lucas with the BBC

There has been a bit of flutter in the British media that Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney, in London for the Olympics, is being received by Prime Minister David Cameron. In 2008, candidate Barack Obama did not get as far with Prime Minister Gordon Brown, and Cameron turned away François Hollande, now the French leader, earlier this year during the President campaign.

So BBC West Midlands asked, "Is Cameron extending his hand because he has inside info on a Romney victory?" (No.) "Will this damage Cameron's relationship with Obama?" (No.) "Does it make a difference for November's election?" (No.)

The conversation begins at the 1:42.00 mark


Syria Audio Feature: "Assad May Be Slipping from Power" --- Scott Lucas with the BBC

Speaking at length with BBC West Midlands this morning, I reviewed latest developments in Syria. Parallelling our Live Coverage today, I argued, "It's not just Damascus" to assert that the political and military challenge to President Assad is growing and constricting the power of the regime.

The discussion also considered nature of the Syrian opposition and the question of whether the "West" should intervene in the crisis.

The item starts at the 1:05.22 mark.


US Audio Feature: The Arizona Sheriff & President Obama's Birth Certificate --- Scott Lucas with the BBC

Photo: Matt York (AP)On Tuesday afternoon, a controversial Arizona sheriff named Joe Arpaio said his "volunteer posse" of investigators had found President Obama's birth certificate is definitely fraudulent. This would disqualify Obama, who was born in Hawaii according to official records, from standing for re-election.

I spoke with BBC WM about the personality and politics behind the diversion of Arpaio, renowned for re-introducing chain gangs and stunts such as pink handcuffs for prisoners.

For example, the more important story --- overlooked in the Associated Press summary of Arpaio's conference --- is that the sheriff is facing a court hearing in a class-action lawsuit on Thursday, challenging his crackdown on Hispanic men and women as "illegal" residents of Phoenix and Maricopa County.

Then there is the small matter that Arpaio, sheriff since 1992, is standing for re-election in November....

The item starts just after the 1:20.30 mark.


US Politics Audio: Scott Lucas on BBC "Who Won Super Tuesday?"

Rick Santorum and Mitt RomneyI spoke with BBC WM this morning about the outcome of last night's Republican contests for the Presidential nomination, looking towards the future not only of that battle but also of November's election.

See also US Super Tuesday Summary: Romney "Wins", But It's Not Decisive

The item starts just before the 23:00 mark.

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