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Entries in Mitt Romney (101)


US Politics Analysis: Why Romney's Statement on Libya and Egypt is a Political Failure

Mitt Romney's follow-up statement on Wednesday morning on the attacks in Libya and American deaths

The story of what happened in Libya is just beginning, but viewed through the prism of the domestic presidential campaign, Romney's haste to use the ongoing events in Libya as a political weapon appears to be a major error --- one that suggests he does not have the temperament to lead the nation through a foreign policy crisis –-- not so much because of what he said, but when and why he said it.

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US Politics Analysis: Why Obama Has to Get Specific and Get Positive at the Convention

Obama has been considered defensive about his achievements during his first term and has appeared too eager to criticise opponents instead of casting positive light on those four years.

President Obama has the chance to redress that in his speech Thursday. If he does not and adopts a negative tone, one can see Mitt Romney --- who is doing a substantial amount of debate preparation this week --- deliver his own Reagan-esque "here we go again" in October.

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US Politics Videos and Pictures: Romney Overshadowed by Clint Eastwood's "Empty Chair" Speech

Mitt Romney formally accepted the Republican nomination for President on Thursday night, but his speech was overshadowed by an opening act. Clint Eastwood gave a performance --- thrilling to many at the Convention but bizarrely comic for many viewing via television and the Internet --- in which he addressed an invisible Barack Obama in a chair next to him:

Eastwood's speech has already spawned a series of posters mixing humour and observation....

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US Politics Analysis: Romney's Team to Republican Convention --- Please, No Fiery Speeches

Mitt Romney speaking on Saturday in Ohio

Despite the roster of renowned conservative politicians scheduled to speak at the convention, Romney's campaign will aim to present a bland espousal of generic conservative ideas with as little of the controversial and substantial as possible. We will witness a rally for vague concepts like "limited government" and 'individual freedom' designed to present a unified –-- and non-threatening --- Republican face to the rest of the nation.

But the Republican Convention is still important in that it gives Romney one last chance, before the critical television debates with President Obama, to project some personality into his campaign. In his acceptance speech Mitt needs to show that he can empathise with everyday Americans, those who do not employ tax accountants or make small bets of $10,000.

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US Audio Feature: Ryan, Romney, and Guns --- Scott Lucas with the BBC

See also US Politics Analysis: Why Paul Ryan's VP Nomination is So Important

I spoke with BBC WM on Tuesday about the US Presidential election.

The conversation started with an easy question, in light of a series of shooting sprees causing multiple deaths, "Will gun control be a prominent issue in the campaign?" (Answer: No.)

The more challenging task was to introduce Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney's choice as Vice Presidential running mate, and assess his effect on the race.

The take-away line is that Ryan --- in contrast to the 2008 candidate, Sarah Palin --- is strong on ideas; however, his strong positions on the economy and social spending are likely to bring as many problems as benefits to the GOP effort. In US politics, you whip up your party by appealing to the committed, but you win elections by persuading the "center".

There is also discussion of the geographical factor: this is the first time in decades that neither candidate on the Republican slate has come from the West or the South.

The discussion starts just before the 1:39.00 mark.


US Politics Analysis: Why Paul Ryan's VP Nomination is So Important

Paul Ryan's speech after he was named as Mitt Romney's Vice Presidential running mate

Last Saturday, Mitt Romney announced that Paul Ryan, a congressman from Wisconsin, would be his running mate for the 2012 Presidential election. Rep. Ryan, Chair of the House Budget Committee, is a committed fiscal conservative. As he is a darling of the Tea Party and the personification of all that is evil in Republican politics for progressives, Romney's choice has energised a campaign that was in danger of descending into a mundane commentary on the current economic health of the US. 

With his pick, Romney has extended the issues at stake for voters who are concerned with the present unemployment rate or the threat of another recession to the future of the Federal Government's role in economic and social policy.  This is now the election for which conservatives have been praying for decades: a referendum on their belief in a Constitutionally-limited government, allowing individuals to exercise their God-given rights without interference from the hands of the State.

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US Politics Analysis: Despite the Economy, Obama Gains Over "Elitist" Romney

Last Friday, the latest unemployment figures revealed that, despite a better-than-expected increase in the number of people starting a new job, the rate rose slightly to 8.3%. Historically, that is bad news for President Obama: no president other than Franklin D. Roosevelt has won an election when unemployment is above 8%. With only thre months left in this campaign, it is highly unlikely to see a fall below that benchmark.

But, despite this, it was a week of good news for Obama's chances  of re-election, as a number of polls showed a slowly-increasing lead in three  battleground states. The numbers from Pennsylvania, Florida, and Ohio have allowed Obama's campaign to begin speculation that their candidate's support is “trending” in an upward direction. The strategists who decide the content and tone of Obama's re-election message will be delighted that their emphasis on economic fairness appears to be working.

And while these polls will be long forgotten come November, this week also saw a refrain against Mitt Romney gain considerable traction.

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US Politics Feature: Amid Campaign Errors, A Virtual Tie for the White House

The image of Mitt Romney, as a man fit for the demanding role of US President, has been seriously buffeted over the last few weeks. His reluctance to release more than two years of his income tax records, followed by the reaction in some circles to his criticism of the London Olympics, have seen a widespread questioning of the competency of his campaign.

But, with 100 days to go before the election, the big news is that --- despite these errors  ---- Mitt Romney is still running in a virtual tie with President Obama for the White House. Obama has also made mistakes, notably ill-worded reminder to successful business owners 'that you did not build it on your own", and polls indicate that voters are sticking with their preferred candidate.

So the impact of these errors on both sides may not become fully apparent until the two meet face-to- face in the Presidential debates.

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Britain-US Audio Feature: So Mitt Romney is Meeting the Prime Minister? --- Scott Lucas with the BBC

There has been a bit of flutter in the British media that Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney, in London for the Olympics, is being received by Prime Minister David Cameron. In 2008, candidate Barack Obama did not get as far with Prime Minister Gordon Brown, and Cameron turned away François Hollande, now the French leader, earlier this year during the President campaign.

So BBC West Midlands asked, "Is Cameron extending his hand because he has inside info on a Romney victory?" (No.) "Will this damage Cameron's relationship with Obama?" (No.) "Does it make a difference for November's election?" (No.)

The conversation begins at the 1:42.00 mark


US Analysis: Why The Tax Returns May Sink the Romney Campaign

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Sadly for Mitt Romney, any valid reasons for not releasing his tax records have now been overwhelmed by the perception of his campaign's inept response. In the business world where he made his fortune, his insistence on the privacy of confidential documents might be a virtue, but in an election for the President of the United States, it has become the vice that may sink him. Even if he does release the records, and even if there is nothing shocking in them, the perception will remain that he has a different idea of the American Dream that he wishes to protect than most of the people he hopes to represent.

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