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Entries in Barack Obama (36)


Homeland Security: Obama = Nazi/Communist/Socialist Alert

Today's Vigilant Citizen Award has to go to Republican Congressman Paul Broun of Georgia.

That's because Broun has uncovered Obama's plot to impose an American Gestapo upon us. He tipped off the Associated Press on Monday, "It may sound a bit crazy and off base, but the thing is, he's the one who proposed this national security force."

In July Obama gave a speech in which he called for an expanded civilian service corps. In addition to expanding the US foreign and diplomatic service and doubliing the Peace Corps, he proposed a civilian national security force to support the US military. Now to you and me, that might sound a homeland security measure alongside the police and National Guard, but Broun has the real story.

"That's exactly what Hitler did in Nazi Germany and it's exactly what the Soviet Union did. When he's proposing to have a national security force that's answering to him, that is as strong as the U.S. military, he's showing me signs of being Marxist."

In addition to the historical breakthrough of establishing that 1930s Germany National Socialists were exactly the same as 1930s Soviet Communists (that later war between them must have been a fluke), Broun has called the President-elect to account: "We may — may not, I hope not — but we may have a problem with that type of philosophy of radical socialism or Marxism."

And, in an essential update of the "if guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns" rule, Broun can reveal that, as the civilian security corps hauls us in for enhanced interrogation, Obama's gun control laws will take our weapons away from us.

"We can't be lulled into complacency," Broun warned. "You have to remember that Adolf Hitler was elected in a democratic Germany. I'm not comparing him to Adolf Hitler. What I'm saying is there is the potential."

Congressman Broun, I thank you. And to you, Enduring America readers, I say: Be vigilant. Be very vigilant.

Scott Lucas on BBC World Service "Newshour"

I had the chance to discuss today's Bush-Obama "transition" meeting --- in a very light-hearted spirit --- with Robin Lustig of the BBC at 1300 GMT today.

The interview is just after the News Update at the halfway point of the programme.

Bye George, Hello Barack: It's (Semi-)Official

Yeah, yeah, the official handover is 20 January 2009 but in case anyone doubted who is now effectively the top dog in Washington, here's confirmation:

The US Embassy e-mailed at the end of last week to tell me (and a lot of others) that the President-elect's website was now on-line. I cannot recall this being done before, certainly not within 72 hours of the election. And to have the "official" seal of approval on the site, with publicity from the State Department rather than the Obama campaign....

Well, the times are a-changed.


Fact x Importance = News (Nov 10)

Other stories that caught our eye last week:

Discuss these stories- and let us know what else we've missed- in the comments below.

Russia to Obama: The Follow-Up

The Associated Press reports that Russian President Dmitry Medvedev called Barack Obama on Saturday to offer his congratulations on the President-elect's victory. Apparently, Medvedev
"expressed [his] determination to create constructive and positive interaction for the good of global stability and development", as the US and Russia shared responsibility to address "serious problems of a global nature."

So, three days after laying down a challenge with the declaration that Russia would put missiles on its western borders if the US proceeded with missile defence bases in Poland, Medvedev extends an olive branch. Significance?

First of all, the AP's information came from the Kremlin. So the Russian President's call was part of a calculated public strategy. Having talked tough in the 24 hours after the election, Moscow now offers partnership. Not, however, from a position of weakness or following an American lead but from a stance of equality.

Second, not a word from the Obama camp. Nothing.

That's not surprising. After all, Obama doesn't take office for more than two months, so he's not supposed to be making US foreign policy. He has also shown the trait of playing it cool when under pressure, inside and outside the Presidential campaign.

That, however, leads us to third: there is no reference to the current US President in the story. The Bush Administration is now in the past as far as US-Russian relations are concerned. Sure, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice met Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov --- in Egypt, of all places --- for 80 minutes yesterday. As the short report --- so short that it only merited a place in "World in Brief" in the Washington Post --- noted, "Despite the length of the private meeting, there was no sign either side had budged on its position on the most contentious issues."

So, if you following the US-Russian dynamic, hold your breath. Hold it for a long time, because Washington is effectively stalled until January.
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