Olympic Video Shocker: "Ohmigod, The Foreigners Won!"

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Olympics 2016 in
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Reader Comments (4)
The big surprise for the anchor might have been the fact that Chicago was the first city eliminated (Perhaps there is some American arrogance in thinking at a minimum that we'd make it out of the first round).
Still, congrats to Rio. It's past due for a South America nation to serve as the host. It should be a great party.
The thing that struck me is not that the U.S. lost out. I was struck more by the celebration within the U.S. by high profile conservatives at an American city having lost the bid. It's a measure of the absolute vitrol in this country that high profile right wingers have for the current president and for the majority of their countrymen. When the right-wingers are denied power they act like a jilted lover.
The upshot is that losing the bid will probably spare us another homegrown right-wing terrorist attack as happened in Atlanta in 1996.
Yeah, the anchor seemed stunned. But where is the quote "Ohmigod, The Foreigners Won!" Not on that video. You guys just make stuff up? Make stuff up and headline it? Should this guy be writing a media blog?
Glad Rio got it!
To gears,
If you have not read enduring for awhile you would miss the satire/humor they often sprinkle in their articles. The quote was most likely their construct trying to poke fun at the disbelief. Having looked at all the proposals the US was the safest most feature rich proposal, but it lacked popular sentiment of which RIO had in abundance. The last minute appeal from the former Spanish IOC chair on his death bed probably didn't either swinging European votes away from Chicago. I think if Chicago had gotten through the first round you would have seen the asian vote swing our way. Still believe RIO would have won in my mind. I am in Chicago and it sucks but the reality on the ground is that world opinion of the US is at all time low. After all we are still involved in two wars and the meltdown in the US finacial markets crippled alot of other nations economies. Maybe we'll try again in 2020.
I had a theory on Friday that some of the IOC's members might have been put off by the somewhat hysterical politics surrounding Obama in the US (the screaming match between Glenn Beck and his opponents being the example that seems to be getting the most attention at the moment). Four years ago when London got the 2012 Olympics this wasn't much of an issue for Tony Blair, and I doubt that Lula and Zapatero will be facing the same attacks/praise Obama is getting now. I have no evidence for this, but I feel the IOC people wouldn't want to go near this sort of politics, so Chicago was an automatic 'No'.
Apparently, though, "harrowing" US airport experiences rel="nofollow">were a factor in rejecting Chicago. I'm glad Rio won though- the US has had, and will have in future, plenty of Olympics.
gears- we sometimes use this label when we're not being 100% literal. Hope it helps." alt="Warning Label 2"/>