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The New US Nuclear Policy in 3 Bullet Points

Your easy-to-read version of the 49-page Nuclear Posture Review, released yesterday by the Obama Administration:

1. If you're not in the Nuclear Club --- Tehran, Pyongyang, we're looking at you --- don't even think about it. Shove off. Don't make us angry.

Still thinking about it? Don't.

2. If you're in the Nuclear Club --- Moscow, Beijing, how ya doin'? --- great to work with you to keep others out. Cold War? What Cold War?

3. Israel? Who is this Israel? (Repeat for Pakistan and India.)

Obama Document: The New US Stance on Nuclear Weapons

Reader Comments (2)


Thank you so much! Finally I understand...
You should absolutely apply for Germany's highly intellectual BILD-Zeitung ;-)


April 7, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterArshama


Although I don't share some of the assertions of the author (Iran is an essentially defenseless nation, Iran does not pose any strategic threat to direct U.S. interests), Robert Parry's (imo excellent) dissection of the intentions behind and implications of President Obama's readjusted U.S. policy on when to launch a nuclear strike largely reflects my own reactions to the same.

April 7, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCatherine

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