The Latest from Iran (12 August): Prisoners, Confessions, and the "War Diversion"

Esfahani claimed the announcement Is meant to incite people against the Bazaar and said the vendors won't accept this slander --- guilds are not responsible for high prices, instead it is due to the mismanagement of government, which then tries to pass the blame.
1730 GMT: The Battle Within. Another challenge to the President, this time from the Ansar Hizbullah daily Yalthareth....
The newspaper notes that Ahmadinejad protested against a seven-month prison sentence for former IRIB chief Mohammad Jafar Behdad for slander against the Larijani brothers and Hashemi Rafsanjani and asks, "Would he do the same for a normal journalist if he had insulted the President? Would he defend a nobody?"
The newspaper continues, "For some justice has no meaning and they allow themselves to mock and humiliate judiciary, because they disagree with a court ruling."
Behdad is a member of the President's Council for Policy-making and Propagation.
1545 GMT: All the President's Men (cont.). The "conservative" Jomhooriye Eslami daily has attacked Presidential Chief of Staff Esfandiar Rahim-Mashai, declaring that his number of offices is unprecedented in the past 30 years and asserting that he has made stupid statements on every matter from heaven to earth, inciting the anger of the people and political figures.
The newspaper continued that, instead of Rahim-Mashai being disciplined, his superiors praise him and repeat his words, which makes the situation even worse. Jomhooriye Eslami says that such a person should be reminded once and for all that he should "talk in his own realm" and refrains from inciting protests amongst the people.
MP Gholam-Hossein Masoudi Reyhan has stated that 1st Vice President Mohammad Reza Rahimi's words are "an insult to science and professors", criticising the Vice President's assertion that all Iranian universites are of poor quality.
1540 GMT: Political Prisoner Watch. Reformist Mohsen Safaei Farahani has declared that he will not withdraw his complaint over unjust and abusive treatment and will return to prison.
Farahani was arrested on June 20, 2009. Sentenced to five years in prison, he is currently on leave
1330 GMT: The Battle Within. A interesting summary, "The Clerics Turn Away; Iran in Fever" by R. Chimelli in Süddeutsche Zeitung last Friday:
The opposition movement has lost the battle on the streets. Organized demonstrations do not come about, because police, militia and thug forces are too powerful, and --– maybe more importantly --– because of the horrible accounts of torture and illegal detention centers, given by those arrested during the protests. Censorship has never been as repressive as today and reaches out to the print media as well as the internet. Iran’s most renowned journalists and its best-known student leader are currently on hunger strike in prison. Hardly noticed abroad, smaller or larger labor disputes are arising everywhere in the country, (but) union leaders like the head of Tehran’s bus driver union, Mansur Osanloo, have been jailed for several years....
However, Ahmadinejad and the spiritual leader Khamenei could not win people’s hearts or minds. There is not a single renowned writer, artist or filmmaker who would take sides with the country’s rulers. The regime is creating a climate of intellectual poverty, and more and more leading clerics are turning their backs to the regime --– sometimes so visibly that they are answered with violent attacks.
Chimelli notes the significant incident --- which we covered closely on EA --- where the Supreme Leader's office approached Grand Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi for the "I am the Rule of the Prophet" fatwa. (Makarem-Shirazi declined, unless Ayatollah Khamenei put the pronouncement in the form of an answer to a question from a follower.)
1300 GMT: Britain Does Not Recognise Foreign Affairs Greatness of 1st VP Rahimi. This week we have been noting the emergence of 1st Vice President Mohammad Reza Rahimi as a commentator on international relations and events.
Unfortunately, it seems there is one observer who has failed to give due regard to this. The UK Ambassador to Iran, Simon Gass, said comments about the English as “a bunch of thick people” were “illogical and worthless” and showed “a lack of respect for human dignity”.
Mr Rahimi, in a speech on Monday, called Australians “a bunch of cattlemen” and said South Koreans should be “smacked in the face until they become human”. But his finest remarks were reserved for the land of Queen Elizabeth II:
England has nothing. Its inhabitants are not human, its officials are not responsible, and it doesn’t even have any natural resources. [They are] a bunch of thick people ruled by a mafia. They have plundered the world in the last 500 years and the young lad in charge now is even more stupid than his predecessor.
1200 GMT: Karroubi Watch. More from Mehdi Karroubi's e-mail interview with The Guardian of London:
Karroubi said he believed the Green movement had not been defeated: "It's no longer possible for the opposition movement to pour out en masse into the streets ….But we also do not think it's necessary any more to do this....People were out in the streets to inform the world of what is really happening inside Iran, and they succeeded in doing so. Now the world knows what is the problem in Iran."
Karroubi added his conception of the Islamic Republic: "I should make it clear that we are a reformist movement, not a revolutionary one … We are seeking nothing more than a free election."
The cleric, asked about the notion of leadership in the opposition responded, "In my opinion, it's an advantage that no specific person is the leader. I think that the only reason the Green movement has not been stopped yet is because it doesn't have one leader or unified leadership. If it had, then by arresting that leader they could have controlled the whole movement."
1145 GMT: Mystery Solved. Last week non-Iranian heads were scratched over President Ahmadinejad's aphorism, in the middle of a speech to the Iranian diaspora conference, "The bogeyman snatched the boob."
Iranian commentators went as far as to suggest there might be a bit of Viagra in the water of Tehran's politicians, but Golnaz Esfandiari has offered the explanation, "The expression is one used by mothers in Iran when they are weaning their children off breast milk."
Thus, for an Ahmadinejad scoffing at Washington's efforts to punish Iran over its nuclear programme, "the bogeyman snatched the boob" from the Americans.
0930 GMT: All the President's Men (cont.). Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has brought Gholamhossein Elham, who failed to be re-appointed to the Guardian Council, back into government by naming him as his legal advisor.
An EA source says there is a rumour that Elham will soon replace the controversial Esfandiar Rahim-Mashai as Chief of Staff.
0825 GMT: All the President's Men.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has publicly defended his embattled aide, Esfandiar Rahim-Mashai:
Mashai is the president’s Chief of Staff and I have full trust in him. The atmosphere of criticism is a necessity and nobody should be condemned for voicing his viewpoints and not every difference of opinion should lead to a fight.
And then this interesting twist, given that Iran's head of armed forces, General Hassan Firouzabadi, said on Monday that Mashai’s remarks on Iran and Islam are a “crime against national security": Ahmadinejad claimed that the attacks against Mashaei are the work of “certain political groups" who are trying to undermine the government.
0805 GMT: Parliament v. Government. President Ahmadinejad has refused again to allocate $2 million for the Tehran metro.
The initial authorisation by the Parliament was refused by the Guardian Council. The Majlis passed the bill to the Expediency Council, which confirmed it, only to meet Ahmadinejad's refusal.
The President has now announced that he has reported "all critical issues" to the Supreme Leader, who has handed the matter back to the Guardian Council, which in turn has established a special group to solve the problems.
EA correspondent Ms Zahra analyses: "This is a bad situation for all. The Supreme Leader has proven that extant institutions are worth nothing and has put himself in opposition to the Majlis. The Majlis will be a joke if the Guardian Council refuses again. The position of Hashemi Rafsanjani, as head of the Expediency Council, is weakened. Ahmadinejad is losing the support of hardline MPs."
0800 GMT: Karroubi's International Comment. Mehdi Karroubi has written, in an e-mail interview with The Guardian of London: "On the one hand, the government's mishandling of the economy has resulted in deep recession and increasing inflation inside the country... On the other hand, we have sanctions which are just strengthening the illegitimate government."
Karroubi added:
Look at Cuba and North Korea. Have sanctions brought democracy to their people? They have just made them more isolated and given them the opportunity to crack down on their opposition without bothering themselves about the international attention....Because Iran is getting more isolated, more and more they are becoming indifferent to what the world is thinking about them.
0745 GMT: Iran-US. Another signal from Washington that resumed talks with Tehran are being considered....
National Security Advisor James Jones has told CNN that President Obama may meet Mahmoud Ahmadinejad if discussions resume over Iran's nuclear programme: “Ultimately if we find a convergence of paths all things are possible.
Jones indicated that a gesture from Tehran over three Americans, detained for more than a year, would be helpful: “One thing they might do is return our three hikers. That would be an important gesture. It could lead to better relations.”
Barack Obama 'may be prepared to meet Iranian president’:
Barack Obama’s national security adviser, Gen James Jones, has indicated the President may be prepared to meet Mahmoud Ahmadinejad if the regime resumed negotiations over its nuclear programme. ...
However, in an interview with CNN, Gen Jones said “the door’s open” if the Iranians agree to resume talks with the International Atomic Energy Agency. When asked whether Mr Obama may meet the Iranian leader, Gen Jones said: “Ultimately if we find a convergence of paths all things are possible.
“One thing they might do is return our three hikers. That would be an important gesture. It could lead to better relations.” However, the President’s national security adviser said there would be “no point in a theatrical meeting.” It is unlikely that the Iranians will agree to the American’s demands as the regime has repeatedly circumvented previous attempts to rein in its nuclear programme.
0740 GMT: Execution (Ashtiani) Watch. Following Brazil's formal offer of asylum to Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, condemned to death for adultery, Foreign Minister Celso Amorim has told a conference of university students, "Who can say that a humanitarian gesture won't be good for Iran, for its image in the world?"
0715 GMT: The Torture Files. Perisan2English has posted a translation of the report --- noted by EA earlier this week --- in Khodnevis of the files of 22 political prisoners, allegedly abused, delivered to the Supreme Leader.
According to Khodnevis' source, Khamenei rejected the claims in the letters, but after an agreement with Hashemi Rafsanjani, a five-person committee was set up to investigate the cases. Two former Ministers of Intelligence, Younesi and Mohseni-Ejei, and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad are among the members of the committee.
0650 GMT: Anything You Can Threaten, We Can Threaten Better....
Israel might have Jeffrey Goldberg of The Atlantic, but Iran has an array of media outlets for this week's posturing.
The naval commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps, Ali Fadavi, said Wednesday, “The IRGC’s navy is been fully positioned in Bandar Abbas (in southern Iran) and has the capability to carry out its assigned functions and can respond to threats of extra-regional enemies....The IRGC’s naval force will respond to naval-based enemy threats with full preparation and absolute force, striking the enemy from all positions and from all sides in case of war.”
Fadavi's declaration followed an announcement on Sunday by the Minister of Defence of the positioning of military equipment, including four submarines capable of launching missiles, at IRGC and army bases in southern Iran.
And he head of Iran's Joint Chief of Staff, Major General Hassan Firouzabadi, responding to remarks by Admiral Mike Mullen, the US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: “Our foreign minister told Mr. Mike Mullen that if the US attacked Iran, it would be in worse shape than it is after its attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq. America will be finished if it attacks Iran. America is not in a good situation. It can neither tolerate the heavy costs (of another war) nor tolerate fighting against Iran’s Basiji heroes.”
0640 GMT: Mousavi Watch. Mir Hossein Mousavi has met with youth from Iran's provinces to discuss the social, economic, and political situation, including unemployment and the rise in drug addiction, as well as continued activism despite regime pressure.
Speaking about the recent hunger strike in Evin Prison, Mousavi said, “The meaningful and inspiring strike by prisoners will eventually shows its effective outcomes, and I’d like to congratulate these brave prisoners who ended their strike and witnessed its results.”
Mousavi asserted that the Green Movement had the capacity to resolve the “moral” concerns of the country: “We must remember that the social deviances are the results of the wrongdoings, flawed ways of thinking, and deceptive ways and lies created for the nation by the hardliners, and for this reason I believe that the supreme and honourable goals of the Green Movement can control the deviations [from the right path] in society."
Demanding the rights of assembly and protest, Mousavi said, “Neglecting parts of the Constitution, especially the nation’s rights, renders the rest of its articles as meaningless too. How can those who are not even prepared to mention, for once, the rights of citizens or the right of the people to control their own destiny, make any claim about the covenant between the people and the state? Violating this covenant will lead to the illegitimacy of the state."
0545 GMT: We begin this morning with three features.
EA's Josh Shahryar, writing in The Huffington Post assesses the significance of the recent hunger strike by political prisoners and its impact beyond the jail cells: "The Uprising Continues".
We have highlighted in a separate entry the Iranian regime's response to criticism of the death sentence for adultery imposed upon Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani and the harassment of her lawyer Mohammad Mostafaei: putting Ashtiani on a prime-time national TV programme to "confess".
And Scott Lucas --- briefly, because there are more important matters to consider today --- takes apart the "analysis" that may well dominate US-based chatter today: Jeffrey Goldberg's lengthy projection of high-level Israeli opinion on a aerial attack on Iran.
Ali Fadavi,
Barack Obama,
Esfandiar Rahim-Mashai,
General Hassan Firouzabadi,
General James Jones,
Gholamhossein Elham,
Golnaz Esfandiari,
Guardian Council,
Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps,
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad,
Mehdi Karroubi,
Mir Hossein Mousavi,
Sakineh Mohammadi-Ashtiani,
Telegraph in
Middle East & Iran

Reader Comments (20)
RE 8:00 GMT, here's Karroubi's original interview in The Guardian:
Iran sanctions strengthen Ahmadinejad regime
Former presidential candidate Mehdi Karroubi tells Guardian US and British policy is a gift to Ahmadinejad regime" rel="nofollow">
The Language Of Ahmadinejad: 'The Boogeyman Snatched The Boob'
Ahmadinejad is known for his frequent use of crude language when discussing Western countries and adversaries. But recently the Iranian president has stepped up his use of undiplomatic language, reaching new lows in the process." rel="nofollow">
Everything you always wanted to know about:
The Iranian Influence in Afghanistan" rel="nofollow">
Iran ranks 69 out of 70 in digital economy 2010 report
Since 2000, the Economist Intelligence Unit has assessed the world’s largest economies on their ability to absorb information and communications technology (ICT) and use it for economic and social benefit.
(In 2010 the US ranks 3, The Netherlands ranks 5; Australia ranks 9, the UK ranks 14, Germany ranks 18, France ranks 20 and Israel ranks 26)." rel="nofollow">
Women News Network has a detailed profile of Iranian, American and other mothers of prisoners of conscience. The emphasis is on Iranian and Iranian-related cases, many of which we've heard about, but some of the other mothers presented were new to me, such as Burmese author and rights advocate, Sayamagyi Kyi Oo and Chinese retired university professor Ms. Ding Zili." rel="nofollow">
Talking trash turns out to be Mohammad-Reza Rahimi's true talent - either that or The Telegraph is playing fast and loose with its translations. Whatever the case - it's all good for a laugh:
The UK ambassador to Iran has angrily attacked comments by a senior Tehran government minister that the English are “a bunch of thick people”.
Mr Rahimi railed against various countries supporting UN sanctions on Tehran, calling Australians “a bunch of cow herders” and saying South Koreans should be “smacked in the face until they become human”.
He said: “England has nothing. Its inhabitants are not human, its officials are not responsible, and it doesn’t even have any natural resources. [They are] a bunch of thick people ruled by a mafia.
“They have plundered the world in the last 500 years and the young lad in charge now is even more stupid than his predecessor,” Mr Rahimi added.
What's the best part? The remarks were made in a speech by Rahimi on Monday to EDUCATION OFFICIALS!!! ;-)
More:" rel="nofollow">
Has the Time for Talks with America Arrived?
Warning Bells Rings in Khamenei and Velayati’s Ears" rel="nofollow">
Secret meeting of Iranian and Turkish intelligence officials leads to new weapons supply route" rel="nofollow">
Response to Ahmadinejad: Imams visit concentration camps :" rel="nofollow">
6000 employees, 114 companies transferred out of Tehran: governor" rel="nofollow">
British ambassador to Iran hits back after 'thick' jibe :" rel="nofollow">
The Vietnam factor? "The Obama administration is clearly different from the Bush administration. Although their policies might seem similar - continuing to ratchet up pressure until complete capitulation and regime change - Obama is more inclined toward diplomacy than to military action. This should certainly be taken into account; Obama's policies are worthy of cooperation in certain cases." A Russian analysis of what happened last week... By Dmitry Kosyrev, RIA Novosti political commentator." rel="nofollow">
Iran curbs LNG-export ambitions :" rel="nofollow">
Iran is greatly curbing its once-lofty ambitions to become a major liquefied natural-gas exporter, a reversal that energy executives and analysts tie to the country's difficulty accessing Western technology amid fresh international sanctions.
The Pentagon on Wednesday said it had notified the US Congress of a planned sale of Patriot missiles to Kuwait, which is looking to bolster its defenses against the threat from Iran." rel="nofollow">
"Mr Rahimi, in a speech on Monday, called Australians “a bunch of cattlemen” "
Sigh!! wish I was !!!! :)
And "cattleman" sounds so much better than "cow herder". :-)
I wonder why he didn't call Australians a bunch of criminals or take a
swipe at Australian rules football while he was at it? :-)
"And "cattleman" sounds so much better than "cow herder"."
They both make the same amount of money :)
And we are no longer a bunch of criminals - we just used to be that!!
NY-bound tanker may have been diverted from Iran" rel="nofollow">
Did you know that a church in Gainesville, Florida, plans to host an "International Burn a Quran Day" on the ninth anniversary of the September 11, 2001, attacks In protest of what it calls a religion "of the devil"?" rel="nofollow">
How much do you want to bet that Geert Wilders shows up for it?
Brazil's surprise election issue: Iran
For sunbathers on Rio's famed Ipanema Beach last weekend, the sight was about as odd as an oncoming snowstorm. "Respect life, Ahmadinejad!" read a banner trailing from an airplane flying above the shore." rel="nofollow">