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The Daily Show and Karl Rove: "Oh, No, Our Torture Techniques Have Been Ruined"

This one goes out to Karl Rove, as he bravely fights his Twitter campaign to vindicate the Bush Administration:

Jon Stewart:"Apparently everyone's not upset about the fact that we torture. They're upset about the fact that we know about it."

Karl Rove: "All of these techniques are now ruined."

Peggy Noonan (former speechwriter for Ronald Reagan): "Sometimes in life you want to just keep walking....Some of life has to be mysterious."

The Daily Show With Jon StewartM - Th 11p / 10c
We Don't Torture
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Reader Comments (1)

How is it that an evil little troll like Rove, has a cushy job making big money, and an entire network hanging on his every evil word, much less that he formerly held an unelected position of direct power, via his dimwitted but charismatic stooge?

Karl Rove: proof that there is no God.

April 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCraig Smith

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