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Entries in Conservapedia (3)


Republican Teabagging: What It REALLY Means

Latest Post: Tea Parties, Violence, and Politics (And, Yes, This is a Serious Post)

Related Post: A Grand Republican Teabagging - The Day After
Related Post: Enduring America - Your #1 Site for Republican Teabagging
Related Post: US Politics - Republican Teabagging Revolution Begins

As the #2 site (soon to be #1) for the Republican Teabagging Parties taking place today, Enduring America is concerned that some of our readers --- either from naiveté or deviancy --- are claiming that  "Teabagging" is a bedtime activity, sometimes undertaken by those who are unmarried or even of the same sex, that is not part of our missionary tradition. These readers are using left-wing disinformation sites Wikipedia and (at Enduring America, we only use Webster's Dictionary and Conservapedia).

This is the true meaning of "Teabagging":

How To Build A Rocket With A Tea Bag . . - The best video clips are right here

This video shows that, with our Teabagging, we are sending a rocket to blow up the Democratic/liberal/radical/taxifying elite, especially Nancy Pelosi. We will set our Teabags upon them until we have a massive explosion --- just like Richard Nixon teabagged the Moon in 1969 --- until they acknowledge our supremacy.

Enduring American hopes this clarifies matters once and for all. Happy Teabagging!

Obama Bows Down to Saudi King! The Controversy Continues....

Latest Post: Video Alert - Obama Does Not Bow to Saudi King

This blog entry should be considered a very important update on a very important event. In no way should it be seen as a shameless reminder that we have the video of the Obama bow/non-bow to Abdullah.

obama-abdullahFull credit to my colleague Ali Yenidunya, who broke the story last Thursday of President Obama's bow of greeting to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia and wrote ominously, "One thing we do know is that a younger Muslim always shows utmost respect to an older Muslim in public and is expected to kiss the latter’s hands. Hmm, we should think more about it."

Ali did get the Internet, or at least the right-thinking portion of it, moving.

His challenge, "It is time for Conservapedia to take some action," has been met. Our favourite on-line encyclopedia has updated its entry for Barack Hussein Obama, "Never before in the history of the U.S. has a president displayed such shocking deference to a foreign official."

The Weekly Standard initially fretted, "There’s [a] fawning you’ll never, ever know anything about and that is President Obama’s grovel before Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz of the House of Saud," but a few days later, everyone was a-flutter about it (perhaps because The Weekly Standard kept banging on). Heck, even Camille Paglia wrote about it, and apparently she was a really important writer once upon a time.

But now the dramatic revelation: none of this happened. A White House aide says, ""It wasn't a bow. [President Obama] grasped his hand with two hands, and he's taller than King Abdullah."

Obama 'Bowing Down' to Saudi King? But Conservapedia Fails To Deliver.

Latest Post: Video Alert - Obama Does Not Bow to Saudi King

Related Post: Obama Bows Down to Saudi King! The Controversy Continues

During Thursday’s meeting of the most developed economies in London, President Obama bowed before King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. While some, on blogs and radio discussions, were making fun of the President by suggesting that he was about to clean the floor, others added that it was unacceptable for Americans who are proud of their revolutionary past to see their President bowing down in front of a dictator.


Might President Obama have kissed King Abdullah’s hands? Why not? The only visual source, unfortunately, does not give a clear point of view. However, one thing we do know is that a younger Muslim always shows utmost respect to an older Muslim in public and is expected to kiss the latter’s hands. Hmm, we should think more about it…

And now, it is time for Conservapedia to take some action. As we have been keeping a curious eye on Conservapedia it was, to be honest with you, upsetting not to see this included as additional ‘proof’ of Obama’s ‘Muslim’ faith! Now, they have a new point to argue for…

LATEST UPDATE: Obama Bows Down to Saudi King! The Controversy Continues:
Ali did get the Internet, or at least the right-thinking portion of it, moving.

His challenge, “It is time for Conservapedia to take some action,” has been met. Our favourite on-line encyclopedia has updated its entry for Barack Hussein Obama, “Never before in the history of the U.S. has a president displayed such shocking deference to a foreign official.”