Middle East/Iran Inside Line: Israel says "IAEA Has Another Classified Report"

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Israel: Somewhere A Report Proves Our Case. Really: Not satisfied with the latest report of the International Atomic Energy Agency on Iran's nuclear programme, Israeli officials have insisted that the IAEA is sitting on another classified report on Iran’s nuclear programme and called on the Agency to release it.
Italy Jumps Into Israel-Sweden Dispute: Haaretz reports that Italy's foreign minister, Franco Frattini, told the newspaper that he and Swedish counterpart Carl Bildt would work to pass a resolution strongly condemning anti-Semitism and taking action against any manifestation of it throughout the European Union at the EU foreign ministers' meeting next week.
As for the claim in the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet that Israeli soldiers had harvested the organs of dead Palestinians, Frattini said it was within the definitiation of“anti-Semitism": “There are limits to freedom of the press that stem from respect for the truth and the duty of every journalist to prove his claims....[These are] terrible conclusions, lying and hurtful, and they have the power to assist all those who seek to incite against Jews or who oppose the existence of the State of Israel.”
On the issue of Sweden's position after the Aftonbladet claim, Frattini said, “The Council of Ministers meeting is the correct forum for Sweden to prove, with concrete steps, its determined stance against anti-Semitism." While the Swedish side is keeping its silence, Yigal Palmor of the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office said, “Every initiative against anti-Semitism is welcome… But if the declaration is general and does not specifically relate to the article in Aftonbladet, it will not resolve anything.…All we asked of Sweden and the Swedes is that they reject and decry the content of the report. And our position has not changed."
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Italy Jumps Into Israel-Sweden Dispute: Haaretz reports that Italy's foreign minister, Franco Frattini, told the newspaper that he and Swedish counterpart Carl Bildt would work to pass a resolution strongly condemning anti-Semitism and taking action against any manifestation of it throughout the European Union at the EU foreign ministers' meeting next week.
As for the claim in the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet that Israeli soldiers had harvested the organs of dead Palestinians, Frattini said it was within the definitiation of“anti-Semitism": “There are limits to freedom of the press that stem from respect for the truth and the duty of every journalist to prove his claims....[These are] terrible conclusions, lying and hurtful, and they have the power to assist all those who seek to incite against Jews or who oppose the existence of the State of Israel.”
On the issue of Sweden's position after the Aftonbladet claim, Frattini said, “The Council of Ministers meeting is the correct forum for Sweden to prove, with concrete steps, its determined stance against anti-Semitism." While the Swedish side is keeping its silence, Yigal Palmor of the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office said, “Every initiative against anti-Semitism is welcome… But if the declaration is general and does not specifically relate to the article in Aftonbladet, it will not resolve anything.…All we asked of Sweden and the Swedes is that they reject and decry the content of the report. And our position has not changed."