Latest Iran Video: University Protests (30 December)

Security forces surrounded by crowd (27 December)
Mashhad University "Clash with Basijis"
Azad University, Qods Shahryar
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The Latest from Iran (30 December): The Regime Protests
Mashhad University "Clash with Basijis"
Azad University, Qods Shahryar
[youtube][/youtube] [youtube][/youtube]
Reader Comments (10)
Gooya News reports on 500 Bassiji attacking students of Azad University with knives and daggers, 8 students injured in hospital:
Peyke Iran reported earlier this day that two students were killed during this attack:
Very disturbing video from Ashura.
They can't murder all the youth, can they? :((((
No Paleene, they cannot murder all the youth. That is why this whole crackdown looks increasingly pointless even from Khamenei's point of view. It is very important, however, that any deaths be identified, confirmed, and posted so that those outside Iran can alert international media, and that news filters back into Iran.
But what could make Khamenei realise he ended up a dead-end street? And how to offer him a face-saver in order to safe as many lives as possible?
Very desperate situation.
Too many innocent young Iranians have been murdered in front of everybody's eyes. It is too late for Khamenei. Others will have to step in to end this.
Isn't it still him holding power? Do I get you right - is it more a question of how to empower whom to get this whole mess to an end?
I can't imagine how this fradaulent 'government" can claim to be "Islamic" "Republic".
Like God tells us; "We are all responsible for our own actions" No Marja can save you from spilling innocent blood. I hope the Basijis who claim to be doing the will of god takes this into consideration when they go out there to spill the blood of their fellow Iranians. At the end of the day, they will be held responsible for their actions during Alkiyama.
I hope they realize that they are just a pawn in the Revolutionary Guard plan. For the guards they put money above God.
Allahu Akbar
Paleene - Any edifice will stand until the final crack causes it to collapse. The foundation is still cracking.
I'm an iranian, and we trust on God!
Why Lying?
Please See iranian people and their wishes in truth!
Please show the iranian's demonstration in wednesday 30 December in all of the iran cities!