Barack Obama: Still A Muslim. Really.

The world exclusive comes from The Daily Change, which has uncovered a video in which the President says: "I have Muslims in my own family. I have lived in Muslim countries."
Forget for the moment that the dogged research team of the The Daily Change is only three weeks late in finding Obama's interview with Al-Arabiya Television. Let's ponder the logic: I come from a family with a Disciples of Christ preacher, a scattering of Methodists, some very devout Southern Baptists, Episcopalians, and a large group of Mormons. I also was born in Alabama in the US South but live in Britain.
Which I guess now makes me a DiscipleChrist-Methodist-Baptist-Episcopalian-Mormon English redneck.
I guess, however, that small flaw in establishing identity and belief shouldn't deflect us from the follow-up reasoning from The Daily Change, which quotes from Obama:
And America’s a country of Muslims, Jews, Christians, and nonbelievers....And my job is to communicate to the American people that the Muslim world is filled with extraordinary people who simply want to live their lives and see their children live better lives.
So I guess the only way that the President can renounce his secret Muslim status is to deny that the US has any Muslims. Or nonbelievers. Or Jews. And while he's at it, he should stop that goodwill foolishness, recognising that there might be some folks in the Islamic world who dare to want the best for their families.
Meanwhile, our favourite on-line encyclopedia, Conservapedia, staggers on with its truthful exposè of Muslim Barack. It may have gotten its long-time truthful declaration that Obama would swear the Inaugural Oath on the Bible wrong, but it claims to the revelation that he "used his Muslim middle name when sworn in as President, and chose not to use the Bible for his real, private oath".
And, oh yeah, there's this iron-clad proof: "Obama refers to America in the third person, as a foreigner would."
Reader Comments (4)
"Let’s ponder the logic: I come from a family with a Disciples of Christ preacher, a scattering of Methodists, some very devout Southern Baptists, Episcopalians, and a large group of Mormons. I also was born in Alabama in the US South but live in Britain."
You and your family are predominantly of the mainline churches. The Protestant Mainline monopolises the moral rhetoric of the nation. Mainliners can lay claim to it. Catholics and Jews can't. Muslims are way out in left field. Catholics are just accepted. The building (the tall one) shown here is the symbol of the Mainline's power. It's located on Manhattan's Riverside Drive. President Eisenhower laid the first stone.
Obama may have been in the United Church of Christ for 20 years (Wright's Church), but he's really an outsider. He doesn't have Mainline roots.
I don't think anybody's sure what Obama is.
Just to make clear: I don't think it matters what faith Obama professes. He may be an atheist for all we know. He can't effect change in any real way. If he had been a devout Catholic, he might have retained Bush's ban on abortion programs abroad and the ban on stem cell research. It does look like he will reverse Bush's ban on stem cell research. Bush may have attended an Episcopal church, but he's more conservative than the Mainliners on moral/social issues.
Aw, that's nothing. You know the truthers think he's the antichrist, right?
I guarantee you Alex Jones has wider distribution than the Free Republic ever will.
Sorry, UJ, "well-known" should have read "notorious".