Iran Competition: Pick the Theme Music for Ahmadinejad's Best Man v. The Ayatollahs

From today's updates:
Earlier this month, President Ahmadinejad's Chief of Staff, Esfandiar Rahim-Mashai, accused conservative clerics of not being down with the kids: "Just because some do not understand music, they declare it haram (forbidden)."
Well, Grand Ayatollah Nasser Makarem Shirazi, whose musical preferences are unknown, is not going to put up with being called un-cool: "The meaning of what this gentleman has said is that all clerics, theocrats, the late Supreme Leader [Ayatollah Khomeini], and even imams who have voiced their opposition to immoral music styles do not understand. This is an insult to all these great spiritual personalities."
But what should be the theme music for this battle between Iran's Powers in Heaven and its Wannabe Power on Earth?
I'll start the bidding:
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