Egypt (and Beyond) LiveBlog: The Day After The "Day of Revolution"

0005 GMT: The situation in Suez has become further tense. Reports coming in from Egypt suggest that the city has effectively been cut-off from the rest of the country. Landlines, cell phones and internet are down. People continue to protest in the city and there have been sporadic reports of clashes, injuries and at least 2 deaths which cannot be confirmed yet.
0002 GMT: RNN reports that 5,000 protesters are holding a sit-in in El-Geish Street in Suez.
0000 GMT: Egyptian blogger and activist Rowand Helmii, who has been arrested by police on her way home, has her cell phone and is tweeting from inside a police car in Cairo.
I was arrested around ( 15 mayo ) if it helps I was heading home;#jan25
@Noor1Noor2 I have no idea what my exact location is but here is my full name rowand sameh hassan mohammed helmii
Thank you guys so much for all the support don't worry I'll get out in a bit won't be late and gonna be at the protest tomorrow ;) :) #jan25
2337 GMT: Twitter user monasosh tweets confirming that some detainees have been released by the government.
2331 GMT: Egyptian protesters have set up a new Facebook page to coordinate protests after Friday prayers.
The page's main message reads:
We will go out to rallies in all mosques and churches of Egypt's to the public squares and sit until we receive our rights that have been usurped. Egypt's Muslims and Christians alike will emerge to fight corruption and unemployment, injustice and lack of freedom.
It adds that a list of mosques and churches will be released on Thursday.
2327 GMT: Al Arbeen Police Headquarters in Suez has been set on fire. The video below shows the scene of the protest and the burning building:
2321 GMT: 3arabawy reports that journalist Lina Wardani has been arrested from central Cairo while covering protests a little over an hour ago. She sent out an SMS that simply read: "arrested, beaten, kidnapped".
2317 GMT: Report from on the ground by Sarah Carr describes the scene from yesterday's Day of Anger in Egypt. A very touching report and must read for anyone interested in personal experiences from Egypt's protests.
2315 GMT: Earlier reports suggested that checkpoints have been set up to stop people from entering Suez, cell phones don't work and internet may have been disconnected. Mona Eltahawy now reports that the government has even cut-off landlines to the city.
2310 GMT: Pictures from Suez where clashes between police and protesters has been intense today show a scene of mass resistance. Here's one from Sarah Carr:
You can access more photos here on Sarah Carr's profile.
2300 GMT: reports that hundreds of civilians have fled their homes in Sheikh Zuwayid in the Sinai to safer areas because of the immense amount of tear gas used there by police to disperse protesters.
2255 GMT: Al Masry Al Youm reports that opposition leader Mohammad ElBaradei will be on a flight to Cairo within hours. His brother confirmed the report while speaking to Reuters.
His part has also confirmed that ElBaradei will be joining the protests.
2235 GMT: Mona Eltahawy claims that at least two people have been killed in tensions between protesters and police in Suez. On independent confirmation exists so far.
In the meantime, the Egyptian Association for Change (EACUSA) claims that all cell phone networks in the city are not working.
2230 GMT: Reports from Facebook by the Egyptian Association for Change suggest that police are using live ammunition in the coastal town of Suez. The short tweet-report does not confirm whether police are shooting directly at protesters or merely trying to scare them by firing in the air.
2210 GMT: There are reports that, after the news hours ago that Twitter could be accessed, both Twitter and Facebook are being interrupted again.
2140 GMT: Mahmoud Saad, the host of the popular TV show Masr El-Naharda (Egypt Today) has announced that he will no longer appear starting tonight after he came under pressure from top government officials to report “untruths” about the protests, describing demonstrators as rioters “destroying the country".
2125 GMT: Clashes are now reported in front of the Foreign Ministry.
2120 GMT: An Egyptian official says one protester and one policeman were killed in Cairo tonight.
2118 GMT: Egyptian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hossam Zaki on CNN tonight: "Some people want to introduce chaos on the streets....Many countries around the world use tear gas when the situation cannot be controlled....We do not accept dictates from any other nation in the world."
2114 GMT: Al Masry Al Youm says more than 8000 protesters were involved in a "massive protest" this afternoon in Suez.
Even before tonight's escalation of violence, there were clashes: the website says one of its photographers is in hospital after being shot with a rubber bullet.
2110 GMT: Reports are circulating that Twitter has been unblocked in Egypt.
2105 GMT: A photo of the scene in Suez in Egypt tonight:
2015 GMT: Al Masry Al Youm reports that security forces thwarted protests in Damietta and in the Nile Delta cities of Tanta and Mahalla. Prematurely, in light of tonight's developments, the website also says protesters were dispersed in Suez.
2005 GMT: Censorship developments on two fronts today....
Tunisian Minister of Rural Development Ahmad Najib Chebbi said the Government has dissolved the External Communications Agency, which acted as an effective censor of foreign media during the Ben Ali regime.
In Algeria, journalists have set up a National Committee for Freedom of the Press.
2000 GMT: The scene outside the Press Syndicate in Cairo tonight:
1955 GMT: Egyptian security sources are circulating that protesters in Suez have set fire to a Government building. There are also claims that the demonstrators tried to set alight the local headquarters of the ruling National Democratic Party.
Another report claims protesters stormed and looted a food co-operative saying, "This is our money, these are our goods."
1950 GMT: Users say Syrian authorities have banned programmes that allow access to Facebook Chat from cellphones.
1930 GMT: Clashes continue in Cairo, with police using tear gas in an attempt to dislodge protesters outside the Press Syndicate. A blurred photograph captures the scene:
1915 GMT: Al Jazeera is reporting "hundreds" of protesters camping outside the Press Syndicate in Cairo. It also says Molotov cocktails have been thrown at police vans.
1910 GMT: An Associated Press Television News cameraman and his assistant are still in detention after they were seized early Wednesday while they were filming clashes between security forces and protesters in Cairo.
Another AP photographer had his right cheekbone broken and will need surgery after a policeman charged him and hurled a stone at him while he was taking pictures of protests late Tuesday.
1905 GMT: Another dramatic image of protest today:
1900 GMT: Activist Ammar Abdulhamid reports, "Army in streets in Suez, but standing by, not taking part in action, over 30 protesters with serious injuries."
1838 GMT: A spokesperson for the Egyptian Government, contradicting earlier statements (see 1135 GMT), denies that there has been interference with social media: "The government would not resort to such methods."
Twitter has confirmed that its service has been blocked. Facebook says it has heard reports of disruption but has not seen "major changes in traffic".
1835 GMT: The Tunisian Bar Association has accused "militias", linked to the former Ben Ali regime, of infiltrating protests to incite violence against the police.
1820 GMT: A journalist reports, "Suez is alight and lacking popular leadership on the ground."
Clashes were fuelled this afternoon when authorities refused to return the body of one of the three demonstrators killed yesterday.
1755 GMT: A Picture for History? From Tahrir Square in Cairo last night:
1730 GMT: Al Jazeera is reporting violent clashes in Suez today, with claims of live ammunition being used.
Three people died and 76 were injured on Tuesday in the city. A claim earlier today said the total of injured over two days was now 350.
1710 GMT: Al Jazeera is reporting that a 10 p.m. curfew will be imposed in Tunisia tonight.
1707 GMT: Security forces have dispersed protestors on the Nile Corniche in Cairo and are now waiting at Tahrir Square.
Another demonstrator tweets, "Tahrir Square: unbelievable amount of security. Am worried to take out my phone to take a picture. I'd get arrested."
1705 GMT: Pictures of protest in Cairo today. The first picture is of The head of the Freedom Committee of the Press Syndicate, Mohamed Abdel Quddous, being dragged away from a protest at the syndicate:
1615 GMT: Official sources at Cairo Airport have denied rumours that prominent Egyptian political figures, including the son of President Hosni Mubarak, left with their families in private planes.
An Arabic-language newspaper asserted that Gamal Mubarak and his family left Cairo for London on Tuesday. The report has also appeared on Iran's Press TV.
Another report said that Ahmed Ezz, prominent businessman and organisation secretary of the ruling National Democratic Party, had left with his family.
1605 GMT: Meanwhile in Tunisia, dramatic footage from Russia Today of new clashes:
1600 GMT: Report that 2000 Bedouins protested in front of a police station in the Sinai, demanding the impeachment of the Minister of Interior and release of detainees.
1555 GMT: From Adam Makary of Al Jazeera: "Hit with tear gas again on Galaa St. Almost 1000 protesting. Guess Jan. 25 won't be ending anytime soon, police up against determined protesters."
1525 GMT: Eight people, including two foreign journalists, were arrested at Cairo University today. The journalists were released, but five people are still held.
A demonstration at the university was cancelled because of the heavy security presence.
1525 GMT: Reports come in of protesters trying to storm a police station in Sheikh Zwayed in the Sanai and police responding with tear gas.
1519 GMT: Al Masry Al Youm, from medical sources, is reporting 350 injuries in Suez alone. Twenty of the wounded are security forces.
The website also reports 90 detentions today at Tahrir Square, with those trying to get back to the site of Tuesday night's mass protest "pushed...into an abandoned basement warehouse, where they were reportedly beaten".
1516 GMT: If you get a moment during today's escalating events, a must-listen is the 12-minute audio from Jack Shenker of The Guardian of London as, after his arrest, he is transported in the back of a police in Cairo late last night.
1514 GMT: A view of Gala Street in Cairo:
1510 GMT: CNN's Wedeman updates, "Major battle on al Gala St. Tear gas, fires, hundreds of police."
1459 GMT: More from CNN's Wedeman, "On roof of Lawyers Syndicate. Hundreds of police, plainclotthed chasing protesters. NO RESTRAINT"
1444 GMT: CNN's Ben Wedeman updates, "Can hear what sounds like tear gas being fired near Ramses Street Many plainclothed policeman attacking cameraman....Clashes with tear gas intersection of 26 July and Gala St....Riot police going after everyone."
Eight journalists have reportedly been arrested in front of the Press Syndicate.
A report comes in of two people seriously injured in front of Press Syndicate.
1440 GMT: Ahh, this explains differing reports below: "Lawyer's syndicate protest has moved to Galaa Hospital (in Cairo)."
1429 GMT: Reports of clashes in Ramses Street in Cairo. About 400 riot police are moving from Tahrir Square toward the new scene of confrontation.
The situation is now quiet at the Press Syndicate.
However, conflicting reports elsehwere. One observer tweets, "Lawyer's syndicate is blowing up, figuratively speaking, protesters getting arrested and state security has cordoned the streets." Another claims, "Quiet in front of lawyers' syndicate at the moment and nothing in front of Cairo University."
1425 GMT: A man in his late 20s has attempted self-immolation in Djelfa, 300 kilometres (185 miles) south of the Algerian capital of Algiers. He is in "very critical" condition in hospital.
As he set himself on fire, the man yelled, "They do not give me any home! I have no home!"
1414 GMT: Reports that trains are not stopping nderground at Sadat and Mubarak stations in downtown Cairo.
The protest in Alexandria has been dispersed.
1410 GMT: CNN's Ben Wedeman reports from Cairo, "Plainclothed thugs grabbing TV cameras, hauling people away, beating people near journalists syndicate".
1407 GMT: The UGTT, Tunisia's union confederation, has accused "militias loyal to the former regime" of attacking its headquarters in Gafsa, Kasserine (West), Beja (north), Monastir, and Mahdia (center) on Tuesday, wounding five people.
1402 GMT: First reports are coming through of a march in Alexandria.
Tim Marshall of Britain's Sky TV: "Cairo 1000 in streets. Baton charges. Crowd growing."
1400 GMT: A Dutch journalist has been beaten by Egyptian police.
1354 GMT: Youm7 says that Egypt is using women police officers for the first time today in the effort to suppress the protests.
1350 GMT: The scene at the Lawyers Syndicate in Cairo:
1345 GMT: The protest at the Press Syndicate in Cairo is growing. Demonstrators are being to push against the security cordon: "This protest is peaceful, let us out."
1340 GMT: In Tunisia, there has been a peaceful march in Tunis of the Tunisian Union of Agriculture and Fisheries, pressing agricultural concerns and the claim to form a free and independent trade union.
1335 GMT: The scene at the Press Syndicate in Cairo:
1330 GMT: The police have cordoned off the protesters at the lawyers' and press syndicates to prevent any marches. "They won't let us out," one participant tweets. Scuffles are now breaking out.
The head of the Freedom Committee of the press syndicate, Mohamed Abdel Quddous, is being held by security forces outside the cordon.
It appears the Government has now blocked Facebook completely. Some activists are finding ways around the block.
1255 GMT: Reports of small protests at the lawyers' and press syndicates in central Cairo, with up to 400 demonstrators.
1230 GMT: Ben Wedeman of CNN reports, "Plainclothed police snooping around outside Cairo University bothering students talking to press. Plainclothed policemen tells me its forbidden to sit in front of Cairo university."
1225 GMT: Scattered protests now being reported but they are failing --- so far to take hold. Measures include, "Dokki and Ramsees protest fizzled, I hear of plans for a protest at the lawyer's syndicate" and "Young man injured in Hosary Square with reports of protestors passing out".
Other activists report confusion over which protests are "real" and which are diversions. Movement is restricted by checkpoints.
1215 GMT: An Associated Press photographer is among the 400 people detained since yesterday. His whereabouts are unknown.
1155 GMT: In Mansoura, security forces have cracked down on a protest as it started, arresting 10 people.
1140 GMT: The Tunisian Government has issued an international arrest warrant for former President Ben Ali, his wife Leila Trabelsi, and members of their family on allegations of property theft and transfer of foreign currency.
The Minister of Justice also announced that six members of Ben Ali's presidential guard will be tried for inciting violence after president was ousted.
1135 GMT: Egyptian security authorities have revealed that the blocking of Twitter, carried out yesterday, was pre-planned.
Months ago, Al Masry Al Youm published the details of a meeting between security officials and internet providers for plans to block websites used by activists to coordinate their efforts.
One prominent Egyptian activist on Twitter has confirmed that his cell phone service, and that of other protesters, has been suspended since 2 p.m. yesterday.
1100 GMT: What we're watching --- university demonstrations are planned for 2 p.m. (1200 GMT).
1050 GMT: Medical sources say a third demonstrator has died in Suez from injuries sustained in Tuesday's protests. A rights organisation says 76 others are still hospitalised.
1045 GMT: The Ministry of Interior says street protests and public gatherings are now officially banned. Those who congreagate will be detained and prosecuted.
1025 GMT: 1st-hand observations from Cairo....
"400 riot police gathered Galah Bridge on road towards Cairo University". "Security presence in Tahrir [Square], police blocking off roads". "10 more CS [security] trucks at sheikh reehan. They are out in full force. Informants everywhere. We need numbers."
A report comes in of four people arrested in front of the journalists' union.
0955 GMT: The immediate news out of Egypt is economic and financial. The stock market lost more than 4% of value --- an estimated $21 billion --- in the first 15 minutes of trading. The Egyptian pound hit a 6-year low against the dollar.
An Egyptian human rights organisation, the Arab Network for Human Rights Information, says more than 400 people were detained yesterday.
And on the political front, some interesting reactions from Saudi Arabia. The former head of intelligence, Prince Turki al-Feisal, has said, "In Egypt, I really can't say where this is going to go. Whether they can catch up as leaders to what the population is aiming (for) is still to be seen,"
0855 GMT: Meanwhile we're watching Tunisia to see if there will be a Government re-shuffle today. The chatter is that the Minister of Finance and Minister of Interior, both of whom are linked to the fallen Ben Ali regime, may go.
0850 GMT: An observer writes in Cairo, "Downtown is empty of protesters, but I counted 20 [security] trucks....Expect protests not to occur before afternoon, and definitely ones on Friday after prayers....My Blackberry is the only thing allowing me to tweet."
0815 GMT: To clear Tahrir Square early this morning, police used not only tear gas and water cannon but also rubber bullets. An Al Jazeera cameraman was hit several times, including once in the face.
0810 GMT: Snapshots from Tahrir Square last night include residents giving protesters food and water and cancelling the passwords of their wireless routers so demonstrators could communicate.
0800 GMT: An eyewitness in Cairo sent this message 30 minutes ago, "Tahrir Square is quiet for now. Organizers say they are gathering around the city and will be marching there soon."
0755 GMT: We begin the day catching up with developments in Egypt. We have posted a snap analysis, "Will the Day of Revolution Last Only Day?", adding to our videos yesterday and today and our Tuesday LiveBlog.
This morning, nine hours after police finally cleared thousands of overnight demonstrators from Tahrir Square in Cairo, the Government appears to be trying to quash protest by curbing the Internet, including a block on Twitter. Activists are using proxies to get out messages.
One of those activists observes, "This morning's police presence downtown isn't as tight....We'll see what today brings."
First news of what "today brings" could come soon. Protesters announced that they will be re-convening in Tahrir Square, near the Parliament building, at 9 a.m. (0700 GMT).
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