Libya, Bahrain (and Beyond) Video: Filming Protest and Violence

The latest footage to come out of Libya, Bahrain, and other countries in the Middle East and North Africa: see also Libya Video: A Bloody "Day of Rage" and Bahrain Video: The Attack on Pearl Roundabout.
Yemen: Protests in Aden today
After the Shootings: Protests at the Hospital in Bahrain:
After the Shootings: Friday's Attack on The Protesters Near Pearl Roundabout in Bahrain:
Rough Translation: "We were going there, chanting 'Peaceful, peaceful,' we even raised our hands." (Other person says, "We even had flowers.") "They were not kidding. They had machine guns, not rifles or hand weapons, literally machine guns with tripods, and they opened fire. People ran away! A person in front me instantly died after a head shot, I tried to grab him and carry him away, I was in complete state of shock."
Before the Shooting: Funeral Procession in Sitra in Bahrain:
When the Shooting Began: 3rd Clip of Friday's Attack on The Protesters Near Pearl Roundabout in Bahrain
Claimed footage of crowd in Libya chanting after Friday Prayers, "Martyrs! Martyrs!"
When the Shooting Began: 2nd Clip of Friday's Attack on The Protesters Near Pearl Roundabout in Bahrain
Protest in Jordan Today
Doctor at Hospital in Bahrain Pleads for International Help
When the Shooting Began: Friday's Attack on The Protesters Near Pearl Roundabout in Bahrain
The Endstages of Thursday's Police Attack on the protest camp at Pearl Roundabout in Bahrain:
Footage of clashes in Suleimaniya in Iraqi Kurdistan, where headquarters of rival parties were attacked:
Destroying Muammar Qaddafi's Green Book in Tobruk in Libya
Shots at protesters in Ajdabya in northeastern Libya

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