Latest Egypt Video: A Sing-Along in Tahrir Square

Rough translation, courtesy of an EA reader:
كلنا يد واحدة
Kulina yad wāḥda
We all, one hand
طلبنا حاجة واحدة
Ṭalabna ḥāga wāḥda
Requested one thing
إرحل ُ إرحل
Irḥalu, irḥal
Leave, leave!
يسقط يسقط حسني مبارك
Yasquṭ, yasquṭ Husnī Mubārak
Down, down, Hosni Mubarak
الشعب يريد إسقاط النظام
Ash-sha'b yurīd isqaṭ an-niẓām
The people want to dismantle the regime
هو يمشي...؟
Huwa yamshī, mushna amshi?
He is going, we aren't going.

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