Iran Letter: Nasrin Sotoudeh to Late Haleh Sahabi "Death is Not the End for a Dove"
The letter is translated and posted by Banooye Sabz:Attorney Nasrin Sotoudeh, serving an 11-year sentence in Evin Prison, writes her fellow women's rights activist Haleh Sahabi, who died two weeks ago after she was confronted by security forces at her father's funeral.
My dearest Haleh,
Death is not the end of the road for a dove,
Though it has has been three days since your sudden departure, it is still so hard to believe that you are gone. Despite our grief when hearing this sad news, we continue to pray that it is untrue. In the past three days, your name has echoed across the female political prisoner ward at Evin alongside songs of love and freedom.
Your noble story spans from three generations that have endured suffering on the road to freedom and democracy to the night when we all escorted you with tears as you left prison so that your presence may give strength to your late father who had dedicated his life for the dignity and prosperity of our country.
...but alas, rather than consoling a late father, the nation of Iran also lost a daughter...
From the little news leaked to us in prison, it seems as though you gave your life while protecting the right of your family to morn the loss of your father; a right that has been repeatedly denied so many scorned Iranian families. Those of us who had the honor of becoming better acquainted with you while you were behind bars, witnessed that even while your father was in the hospital you were not willing to forgo your legal right to participate in demonstrations, for such was your commitment. We who know you, know that you were the kind of brave woman willing to give your life if necessary while defending your legal rights, standing firm against those who ignore the law.
You defended your rights with such simplicity and innocence that they finally released your from prison; as though they had finally recognized your rights...
You demanded your rights unequivocally and without any confrontation; a mindset that undoubtedly played a vital role in every steadfast step you took.
My dearest Haleh, you understood the predicament and heartache of the families of prisoners, for your family often had a loved one behind bars - in the end you too headed for prison ... yes your family often had noble prisoners behind bars...
Do you recall with what patience, dignity and joy you endured your sentence; a sentence that you did not deserve?
Do you recall saying that prison is fun and a camp-like experience? Do you recall how lovingly you cared about everyone and how much they loved you in return?
Though your serene life was short, the story of your nobility remains with us as a souvenir among the flowers of your chador.
The Iris flower you picked in the prison court yard on that last night when you returned from the prosecutor's office wilted this morning as though it had become aware of your departure before we had....
Nasrin Sotoudeh br>
Female Political Prisoners Ward, Evin Prison br>
June 2011

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