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US Elections Audio: Why Obama Still Has the Advantage --- Scott Lucas with the BBC

See also EA Video Analysis: Why The Presidential Election Is Now Down to "Ohio+4"...and How It Could Be a Tie
US Elections Analysis: Obama Wins, But Romney Stakes Claim to Be Commander-in-Chief

I spoke with BBC WM yesterday about the final Presidential debate and about why I am still betting one of my two children --- I am holding the second in reserve, just in case there is a dramatic shift in the next two weeks --- on President Obama staying in the White House.

The discussion begins at the 1:38:57 mark.

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    Response: Imperial Advance
    EA WorldView - Home - US Elections Audio: Why Obama Still Has the Advantage --- Scott Lucas with the BBC
  • Response
    Response: Jared Londry
    EA WorldView - Home - US Elections Audio: Why Obama Still Has the Advantage --- Scott Lucas with the BBC

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