Middle East Today: Bahrain --- Cabinet Approves Bill to Stop US "Interference"

US Ambassador to Bahrain KrajeskiKuwait: 4 Sentenced to Life for Spying for Iran
The Supreme Court has upheld life terms on two Iranians, a Kuwaiti. and a stateless person on charges of forming a ring to spy for Tehran.
The court, whose rulings are final, upheld the acquittal of two Iranians, including the only woman among the defendants, and a Syrian.
In May last year, the appeals court reduced death sentences against three defendants to life and upheld the same term on the fourth.
The two Iranians and the Kuwaiti worked for the Kuwait's army at the time of their arrest in May 2010, while the stateless person was a former soldier.
The defendants were accused of passing information on the Kuwaiti and US military in the Gulf emirate to Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps and planning to blow up key oil pipelines.
The defendants denied the charges and insisted they had been tortured to extract confessions.
Bahrain: Measure to Stop US "Interference"
Minister of Information Sameera Rajib announced on Sunday, "The Cabinet has approved a proposal by Parliament to put an end to the interference of US Ambassador Thomas Krajeski in Bahrain's internal affairs."
The measure aims at putting an end to "his repeated meetings with instigators of sedition".
Rajab did not say which specific steps would be taken, but added "the diplomatic measures Bahrain will take do not include dismissing the envoy". Instead, Manama "will commit to international agreements in dealing with the US ambassador".

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