Pakistan Video Feature: Who is Being Killed in the US Drone Attacks? (Al Jazeera English)

Last week an investigation by McClatchy Newspapers revealed that many low-level operatives and people only thought to be "associated with armed groups have been killed in the US drone attacks in Pakistan.
In the first independent analysis of the Obama Administration's internal accounting of the strikes, McClathcy found that of about 482 people killed between September 2010 and September 2011, at least 265 were not senior Al Qa'eda leaders. More than 40 of the 95 drone strikes in the same period hit groups other than Al Qa'eda.
The reports also estimated that there was one civilian casualty during that time.
Jonathan Landay of McClatchy joins Al Jazeera English's Inside Story Americas to discuss the report.
Before that item, the programme considers the disapperance of tousands of legal documents, concerning detainees at Guantanamo Bay, from secure Department of Defense servers.
The incident has delayed military tribunals for the detainees, some of whom have been held since 2002.