Syria Live Coverage: The Uncertainties Over Chemical Weapons

President Assad on Wednesday with families of those killed in the conflict
See also today's Israel, Palestine (and Beyond) Live Coverage: Obama Visits West Bank br>
Wednesday's Syria Live Coverage: Trading Blame Over "Chemical Attacks" br>
Syria Special: Assessing Tuesday's "Chemical Weapons Attacks"...and Who is Responsible br>
1938 GMT: Whole Neighborhoods Leveled in Aleppo. In the last two days, many districts in Aleppo have been intensely bombed by Assad's airforce. By the end of last night, more than a dozen civilians were killed and dozens more injured as homes collapsed in the Sukary district, trapping many in the rubble.
Today, this video shows some of the devastation in the Tal Zarazir district, in the southwestern part of the city, close to Sukkary (map).