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Entries in Al-Sayed al-Essawy (2)


Egypt Follow-Up Video: The Man Who Will Fight a Lion Today

Two weeks ago, we reported on Al-Sayed al-Essawy, the strongman who wanted to help the new Egypt by fighting a lion in front of the Pyramids.

Despite reports that the Government had banned the fight and al-Essawy had been detained, information is still circulating that the fight will take place today.

Time offers a video profile of al-Essawy and the event, including concerns that he is going to his death with his mission:


Egypt Interview: The Man Who Will Fight A Lion in Hand-to-Paw Combat

If America, or any other country, had a man with the ability to combat the strongest creature on the planet, they would properly promote him, and use his strength to their advantage. He would become a worldwide phenomenon, and people would come from their countries just to see him. This is what I want to do for my country. Do you understand what an amazing spectacle this will be? It will appeal to everyone. The Gulfis will watch and laugh, the Arabs will be entertained, and the Americans will be fascinated, from a scientific point of view. They will marvel at a truly unprecedented feat. This show will have something for everyone....

The lion will probably not let me punch its crotch. I will have to use a new fighting style I’ve developed, which is called "Life or Death." This will be a caged fight, and I will be desperate to survive, which is why I’ve called the style “Life or Death.”

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