Iran Election Guide

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Entries in EA Worldview (3)


Introducing a New EA WorldView

Later this morning, we will launch a new EA WorldView --- a new logo and a new website which will be reader-friendly, with quick and easy-to-navigate access to our coverage and analysis.

Much of the new EAWV will be familiar. We will have the latest news and interpretations from Syria, Iran, and the Middle East, including the manoevres of those inside and outside the region from Washington to London to Moscow. We will feature Animated Guides and Video Analyses. We will host a vibrant Comments section, bringing in ideas and news from our readers.

At the same time, we will have new features and possibilities. In time, we will expand coverage to other key areas. As well as immediate analysis, we will offer in-depth explanations and forecasts. EA Solutions will provide access to our staff, on a group and a 1-to-1 basis.

Our thanks to all of you for your support over the last 4 1/2 years. We look forward to welcoming you to our new home, as well as seeing you on Twitter.


Iran Feature: The Week in Civil Society --- #RememberIran, Arrest of Labour Activists, House of Cinema Closed (Arseh Sevom)

Green Movement: Three Years On

This week marked the third anniversary of the demonstrations following Iran’s flawed 2009 Presidential elections, which brought the Green Movement to the world stage. Millions of Iranian citizens took to the streets of Tehran and other major Iranian cities to protest what they saw as a rigged election. Many had a simple question to ask through their peaceful demonstrations, “Where is my vote?” The rest is history.

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Syria Snap Analysis: Will 22 July Be Marked by History as A Turning Point?

Hama, 22 July (Reuters)The security forces have withdrawn from Hama and Deir Ez Zor. They are trying to quell the protests in Homs and around Damascus and Aleppo, but they are not succeeding. It is hard to imagine that the regime has any strongholds of significance left. Through crackdowns, and threats of sectarian violence, the protests have only grown in both scale, scope, and reach. To repeat the rhetorical question I asked on Friday; Where AREN'T they protesting in Syria?

And now the follow-up rhetorical question: how can the Assad regime possibly expect to survive this level of democratic upheaval?

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