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Entries in Elaine Masons (3)


Syria, Bahrain (and Beyond) Live Coverage: The Story Gets Out


Bahrain 1st-Hand: The Deported Irish Activist's Week on the Island "They Are Slowly Killing These People"

The women's march in Bahrain today

When I spoke with Irish activist Elaine Masons last night, she knew that she would likely be arrested and deported if she was involved in leading a march. However, she knew that if deported, she would create media interest, and when she did, she could tell the world about all that she experienced and observed.

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Syria, Bahrain (and Beyond) Live Coverage: Two More Anniversaries

Protest in Benghazi, Libya, 17 February 2011

See also Syria Audio Special: A Resident of Homs Speaks to EA Worldview

2123 GMT: Perhaps the Bahraini police did not know that two prominent Western activists heading a peaceful protest towards Lulu Square would be a well-documented event --- but if they read EA, they would have guessed. Here are just a few of the pictures, which complement the videos that we posted below. We'll be following up on this story very soon.

A woman in Qadam challenges police with a peace sign, before the teargas and arrests.

Flash grenades (sound bombs) are thrown at these women, at close range.

Medea Benjamin, after she was arrested.

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