Syria Image: Anonymous Hack Ministry of Defense Website
This morning the hacktivist collective Anonymous took over the website of Syria's Ministry of Defense. Videos of the military's killing of civilians and of claimed defections now scroll across the top of the site. Anonymous's logo occupies the centre of a Syrian flag.
There is this message to the Syrian public: "The world stands with you against the brutal regime of Bashar al-Assad. Know that time and history are on your side." And Anonymous also speaks to the military: "You are responsible for protecting the Syrian people, and anyone who orders you to kill women, children, and the elderly deserves to be tried for treason....Defend your country, rise up against the regime!"
Moments ago, the hacked page was replaced by a Server Default at Plesk Services: "If you see this page it means:1. hosting for this domain is not configured or 2. there's no such domain registered in Plesk