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Entries in Kim Jong Un (6)


North Korea Audio Analysis: Assessing the Nuclear Test --- Scott Lucas with the BBC

I spoke with BBC WM on Tuesday afternoon, trying to get beyond the immediate reactions to assess the significance of the North Korean nuclear test.

Take-away line: "While the test is a notable political move --- primarily to establish the domestic authority of leader Kim Jong Un --- it does not represent an imminent military threat."

The discussion begins at the 48:37 mark.


The Latest from Iran (22 August): Kim Jong Un is Coming to Tehran! (Or Not).

See also Iran Feature: The Week in Civil Society --- Political Prisoners, Israel Loves Iran, and Looking Too Much Like Ahmadinejad
The Latest from Iran (21 August): All Hail the Supreme Leader

2027 GMT: Oil Watch. Iran's two biggest oil buyers, China and India, sharply cut imports in July.

Beijing's purchases fell nearly a third in July from an 11-month high in June, while shipments by India, declined more than 40%.

The Indian cutback is probably linked to difficulties in insurance cover for Iranian tankers, following the European Union's imposition of sanctions on 1 July. This month Indian refiners have confirmed the first shipments from Iran, to begin in September, using Iranian cover.

The Chinese drop may be tied to a six-month US waiver from sanctions, issued on 28 June, for Beijing's reduced shipments in early 2012. A continued bounce-back in purchases might have jeopardised renewal of the waiver.

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Meet EA's Newest Correspondent: Dear Leader Kim Jong Un on the Iowa Caucus

We were all very sad at EA WorldView when we heard the news that Glorious Leader Kim Jong Il of North Korea would be looking at things no more.

However, we were soon cheered up. Kim Jong Un, the new Dear Leader, has joined EA in embracing social media to comment on all the news that is fit to satirise, taking to Twitter like a Republican no-hoper to a Presidential election year. This week, between sharing his love for the band Creed and the actress Jennifer Love Hewitt, Kim Jong Un --- or @KimJongNumberUn to his followers --- offered the following rather acute overview of the Iowa Caucus and ongoing Republican campaign:

We promise more nuggets of analysis from this brilliant, youthful, dictatorial mind over the coming months.


North Korea: Kim Jong Il, the Country's Leader since 1994, has Died

State TV breaks the news of Kim Jong Il's death

See also North Korea Special: A Last Look at Kim Jong Il Looking at Things

UPDATE 1000 GMT: Footage of North Koreans grieving over the death of Kim Jong Il

North Korea's reclusive and enigmatic leader, Kim Jong Il, has passed away, according to North Korean state television. He has died at the age of 69. Kim Jong Il succeeded his father, Kim Il Song, in 1994. He will be succeeded by his son, Kim Jong Un.

North Korean media has reported that he died on Saturday.

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North Korea Special: Kim Jong Il Looks at His Hacked Twitter Account

We have had the esteemed pleasure in recent weeks, first of informing you by pictures of North Korea Dear Leader Kim Jong Il looking at wondrous things like food, pigs, and wood, then of informing you by video of Dear Leader Kim Jong Il looking at an apartment complete with running water, a crying girl, and toilet paper.

We regret this morning, however, that we must inform you that Dear Leader Kim Jong Il is looking at his hacked Twitter account.

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North Korea Video Special: Kim Jong-Il Looks at Lots of Things in an Apartment

One of the breakthroughs last month in our international coverage was discovering how North Korean Dear Leader Kim Jong Il Looks at Things. We have brought you the detailed evidence of Kim Jong Il looking at food, looking at pigs, and looking at wood.

Today we take our investigation up a level: here is the 13-minute video of Kim Jong Il Looking at Lot of Things in an Apartment. Like running water. And a wardrobe. And a crying girl. And a singing man. And toilet paper.

And there's more: a special guest appearance by the Next North Korean Dear Leader, Kim Jong Un, who seems to Look at Nothing in Particular....