Syria (and Beyond) Live Coverage: UN Envoy Brahimi's Mission is "Dead in the Water"

Friday's message from protesters in Kafranbel in Syria to United Nations envoy Lakhdar Brahimi
See also Syria Feature: The Growing Crisis in Health Care br>
Turkey Opinion: Democracy v. "Erdogan's Personal Lust for Power" br>
Friday's Syria (and Beyond) Live Coverage: Brahimi's Futile Mission to Moscow?
2137 GMT: Syria. Activists are claiming, supported by video of bodies, that five children and two women were among 10 people killed by shelling of the Damascus suburb of Douma today.
1829 GMT: Syria. The Local Coordination Committees is now including 220 people "field-executed" in the Deir Baalba section of Homs (see 1749 GMT) in its claim of 364 victims today.
The Committees write more than 20 children and 20 women are among today's deaths.