In the past few months, US media have commented extensively on the "enthusiasm gap" among liberal voters that is threatening the chances of Democrat candidates in the forthcoming elections for Congress. This Saturday sees the progressive base of the party fight back. Over 150 local, state, and national organizations will unite under the banner "One Nation Working Together" and descend on Washington to demand "Jobs, Justice, and Education For All".
This will offer a strong indication of how far the "enthusiasm gap" has affected the progressive core of the Democratic Party. The march has been planned for a long time, marking a month to go before the elections, and it involves most of the major organizations on the Left of American politics. The Democrat’s greatest hope for avoiding the sweeping defeats in November, predicted by many, is for their voters to put aside their disillusionment with the progress made in Washington and realise that the protest of abstaining from voting will ensure Republican control of Congress. This march marks the beginning of concerted efforts by activists to convince those wavering voters that the politics of hope and change must not be defeated by what they see as the politics of hate and fear.
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