Bahrain, Libya, Syria (and Beyond) LiveBlog: Protest Re-Appears
Pearl Roundabout, Bahrain1955 GMT: Last week we reported on the alleged abduction of dual American-Syrian national Amina Arraf, the author of the blog "A Gay Girl in Damascus". Doubts soon surfaced, however, not only over the kidnapping but whether Arraf was real.
This evening, Tom McMaster, who lives in Turkey, has posted an apology, admitting that he is "Amina": "While the narrative voıce may have been fictional, the facts on thıs blog are true and not mısleading as to the situation on the ground. I do not believe that I have harmed anyone -- I feel that I have created an important voice for issues that I feel strongly about."
1450 GMT: A Yemeni security official said a colonel and two soldiers were killed in clashes with insurgents in the city of Zinjibar in the south on Sunday. Two insurgents were also slain.