Tunisia (and Beyond) Sunday Video: The Protests Continue
The march in Tunis today:
Al Jazeera coverage of the "Caravan of Liberation" from Sidi Bouzid reaching Tunis

The march in Tunis today:
Al Jazeera coverage of the "Caravan of Liberation" from Sidi Bouzid reaching Tunis
As with the uprising in Iran in 2009, this month's protests in Tunisia, culminating in the ousting of President Zine El Abidine Bin Ali, have sparked a debate about the role of social media in public resistance. While many seem to have been inspired and given hope by the roles of social media in helping to mobilise action or to spread news of developments, eternal net skeptic Evgeny Morozov continue to dissent.
But he and his allies aren’t just dissenting.
Morozov, in his "First Thoughts on Tunisia and the Role of the Internet", re-invents the course of events to fit his pre-set narrative minimising the place of social media in activism. While I may not be a net-positive, I’m not as net-negative as Morozov and Co.
To be up-front and accurate, I’m replying to Morozov's entire article, paragraph by paragraph.