George Mitchell on the Israel-Palestine Issue, 22 October 2008

From Fora TV:
George Mitchell, now President Obama's special envoy to the Middle East, speaking three months ago on an approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: "Until the people of Israel have a reasonable and sustainable sense of security, no Israeli Government to permit the creation of a Palestinian state. On the other hand, I believe the Israelis cannot secure sustainable peace, sustainable security over the long term until the Palestinian aspiration for a state is resolved."
George Mitchell, now President Obama's special envoy to the Middle East, speaking three months ago on an approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: "Until the people of Israel have a reasonable and sustainable sense of security, no Israeli Government to permit the creation of a Palestinian state. On the other hand, I believe the Israelis cannot secure sustainable peace, sustainable security over the long term until the Palestinian aspiration for a state is resolved."
Barack Obama,
George Mitchell,
Palestine in
Middle East & Iran

Reader Comments (3)
I hope the U.S. ends its support of Israel's attitude that it can determine the future and fate of Palestinians. Palestinians are not Israel's slaves. They are a sovereign people too, with a democratically-elected government. It's up to them to elect a new one or not, it's not up to Israel. We have to stop supporting this idea that we or Israel determines their future. We don't have that right. Neither does Israel. Israel has a responsibility to stop occupying Gaza, stop the blockade, or provide them with adequate food and the basics of life, which they are not doing. Israel does not and should not control Gaza. They need to get out of there, "security" issues or not.
Security is beside the point. Freedom, sovereignty for Palestinians, is the point. No one is ever "safe" but countries greatly increase their safety by ending the abuse of others.
The strong jewish lobby and Amercia's subservience to Israel is the biggest obstacle that Mitchell has to face. America's reputation and security is on line because of our blind support to anything that Israel does - including the recent genocide in Gaza.
Either we change or perish.
Obama promised change but does he have the backbone to take on the Israel lobby and stand on the side of Justice, which will invariably means treating Palestinians as humans? Letting them choose their leaders and destiny.. It would be a huge departure from locking an entire population in an open air jail.
Israel has military power but no moral standing. By associating with such a regime, American are undermining their own values of which the nation is founded. Obama was eloquent to talk about American virtues. But will he deliver on them or would they become "just words"?
Looking at his team, I don't have much hope. But miracles do happen..
As long as Jew-haters are allowed to broadcast their lies & hatred about Israel & Jews in America, there will never be peace.
"Security is beside the point. Freedom, sovereignty for Palestinians, is the point."
That says it all: to hell with the Jews (not just Israelis) that they kill - what THEY want is all important.
I don't even have to point out how stupid liars are who pretend that America is "subservient " to anyone but the oil magnates, or that there was a "genocide" in Gaza. When you start a gunfight but only have a knife, when you use your own women & children as sandbags, all casualties are YOUR OWN FAULT.