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Obama on Top of the World: The Latest in US Foreign Policy (29 January)

16:35 President Obama's envoy for Afghanistan and Pakistan, Richard Holbrooke, will travel to Munich next Tuesday en route to the region.

16:25 The German Foreign Ministry has stated that "senior officials from major powers (United States, Russia, Britain, France, Germany and China) will meet in Germany next week to discuss the conflict with Iran over Tehran's nuclear program", the first such meeting since Barack Obama came into office.

15:30 Further evidence of the complications involved in shutting down Guantanamo has emerged. The EU anti-terrorism czar said that the EU will need to time to decide whether it can help the Obama Administration in its goal of shutting down the prison.

14:45 In Davos, Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchechr Mottaki responded this way to news of the Obama administration's approach to his government: "We do believe that if the new administration of the United States, as Mr. Obama said, is going to change its policies, not in saying but in practice, definitely they will find the region in a cooperative approach and reaction. And Iran is not excluded from this general understanding in our region."

12:30 Ford has announced a massive loss in its fourth quarter, further evidence of the economic calamity underway and more pressure on the Obama administration to act.

11:30 a.m. The January/February issue of the The Atlantic has an exploration of the greater meaning of Obama's election under the provocative title "The End of White America?"

11:15 a.m. George Mitchell is about to meet Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah.

11:00 a.m. Jimmy Carter has said that Hamas must be included in any future Israeli-Palestinian agreement.

10:20 a.m. (London time) This morning's Guardian has more about the Obama administration's letter to the Iranian government.

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