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Entries in World Focus (1)


Latest Iran Video: The Leverett Line on Killing of Professor Mohammadi (13 January)

World Focus interviewed Flynt Leverett last night about the assassination of Professor Massoud Ali Mohammadi. Leverett accepts without question that this is an attempt to disrupt Iran's nuclear programme. However, his line differs in detail from that presented on Iranian state media by his co-author Seyed Mohammad Marandi, discounting US involvement in the attack while pointing to the possibility of an Israeli role.

Latest Iran Video: How State Media Frames Killing of “Nuclear” Professor (12 January)

Much of the interview, however, is a platform for Leverett's wider (unsupported) allegations that the US Government is providing $400 million to groups for "regime change" in Iran and is funding the Mujahedin-e-Khalq (MKO), the group pursuing an often-violent campaign to overthrow the Iranian Government since 1979.