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MENA House: Turning the Clocks Back for Ramadan

It's that special time of year. The Muslim feast of Ramadan is nearing, bringing anticipation of TV soaps, an increase in food prices increase and...turning back the clocks?

The Muslim feast of Ramadan celebrates the month in which the first verses of the Qur'an was passed to the Prophet Mohammed. During this period, Muslims refrain from food and drink from dawn till dusk. The dates change  according to the solar calendar, with Ramadan moved back an average of ten days from the previous year.

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In 2009, the clocks in Egypt moved back at the beginning of Ramadan so people did not have to fast as long during the long summer daylight hours. This year will also see a re-setting of the clocks between 10 and 11 August. At the end of Ramadan on 9 September, Egypt will in fact bring the time forward again in accordance with standard summer time.

In 2011, Ramadan will begin during the first days of August, and in 2012, it will start in the final week of July. A tip to the world: If you would like to experience Winter/Daylight Saving Time in the Middle East-North Africa region during the summer, Egypt is simply the place to be.

And a Happy Ramadan to you all!

Reader Comments (2)


Us New Yorkers are angry at the owners of the Empire State Building for lighting the building green at the end of every Ramadan. The '9/11 Mosque' is the latest project. They want to rub salt in our wounds.

July 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDave

Great article...So imagine in July we will delay the clock just for ramadan...I think what they do here in Egypt for religions start to be illogic..If you have to fast it doesn't matter with you 1 hour in daylight more or less, as if you fast to cancel your sins & have god satisfaction so you don't have to chose how to be comfort during fasting...Fasting mean Soul fasting & Body fasting...The biggest common mistake now is mixing the religions in every single thing in the life...To fast 1 hour more in the daylight is more better of course as god will account it for you that you are making your body & soul suffer a little bit for your god...
No more words about the Human Trials in religions..!!!

July 27, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSarobutterfly1

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