Obama is Hitler (Part 23)

Latest Post: Obama is Not Muslim/Hitler Shock! He's Stalin. (And Mao.)
Related Post: Barack Obama is Hitler (This Time They’re Serious)
Related Post: Barack Obama is Not Muslim. He’s the Anti-Christ. Or Maybe Hitler.
Well, it appears that the misleading story of Barack Obama as a secret Muslim has been put to rest. Evidence continues to emerge that he is in fact the Politics 2.0 version of failed painter turned Führer Adolf Hitler.
The latest, sent to us by a concerned reader, comes out of the Rome News Tribune in the southern state of Georgia:
Related Post: Barack Obama is Hitler (This Time They’re Serious)
Related Post: Barack Obama is Not Muslim. He’s the Anti-Christ. Or Maybe Hitler.
Well, it appears that the misleading story of Barack Obama as a secret Muslim has been put to rest. Evidence continues to emerge that he is in fact the Politics 2.0 version of failed painter turned Führer Adolf Hitler.
The latest, sent to us by a concerned reader, comes out of the Rome News Tribune in the southern state of Georgia:

Adolf Hitler,
Barack Obama,
Rome News Tribune in
US Politics

Reader Comments (24)
Yeah, I'd say the cartoon is accurate. Obama will spend many more billions of your money (financially responsible people) to bail out people who bought more house than they could comfortably afford. And renters (who of course pay taxes) will have to subsidize the overspending homeowners. How ironic! And don't forget the fabricators -- those who can afford to pay their mortgages, but will intentionally default on those mortgages just to get a handout. Fiscally responsibile people who practice good ethics will be punished and hung to dry...
So compariing the rhetoric of the current Democratic Party to the Nazis just before they embarked on the final solution strikes you as "accurate"? It's not a tad over the top? And how did these people end up being able to buy houses they could not afford? And what about all the fiscally responsible people running banks and insurance companies and car companies whose snouts are up to the trough demanding taxpayers bail them out?
They bought these homes with little or no money down. People speculated with money they didn't have, buying more house than they could afford. The banks were happy to lend.
The auto companies are not asking for handouts. They are asking for loans. I question their ability to compete. GM's first 'plug-in' product will be ready in two years and will cost $40,000. China's BYD already sells a plug-in car for $21,000. That car has been on the Chinese market since December, and BYD has its eyes set on the North American market. The Big 3 will be back in 10 years for another loan...or handout. It may be best to simply allow the banking sector and other industries to fail. Just let them go. Take the steel industry, for example. People in Pittsburgh thought their city was doomed 30 years ago. Today, that city is at the forefront of high tech. I believe Oracle is based there. Kill off old industries that can't compete and build new ones.
Obama should be investing in an ethics program. People must learn to practive good ethics.
So compariing the rhetoric of the current Democratic Party to the Nazis just before they embarked on the final solution strikes you as “accurate”? It’s not a tad over the top?
It's no different from most political cartoons in that respect.
Compare 2007 with 1987, when my parents were house hunting. My parents had to put $60,000 down on a $161,000 house so they could get approved for a mortgage. And they were middle income people. They had good credit and didn't have any outstanding debt. It was a very different situation 20 years ago. It was a lot harder to get a mortgage in those days. And my parents had to make so many visits with the lender. I spent a lot of time studying for tests and doing my homework there!
Here's an article on BYD --
The cartoon is just baiting you so you'll post this on your website so some people can say "I'm outraged" and others can say "that's so true" and everyone can agree that they all know who Mike Lester of the Rome Tribune News is now.
"Reductio ad Hitlerum... is a modern formal fallacy in logic. The name is a pun on reductio ad absurdum, or especially its related argumentum ad misericordiam. It is a variety of both questionable cause and association fallacy. The phrase reductio ad Hitlerum was coined by an academic ethicist, Leo Strauss, in 1953. Engaging in this fallacy is sometimes known as playing the Nazi card.
The fallacy most often assumes the form of "Hitler (or the Nazis) supported X, therefore X must be evil/undesirable/bad," as in "Hitler supported the anti-smoking movement, thereby showing that such campaigns are wrong". The argument carries emotional weight as rhetoric, since in most cultures anything relating to Hitler or Nazis is automatically condemned. The tactic is often used to derail arguments, as such a comparison tends to distract and to result in angry and less reasoned responses."
Point taken but I'm happy for Lester to bask in the publicity of idiocy --- if only the same unveiling was applied to a Limbaugh instead of regarding him as the new standard-bearer of the "conservative" GOP....
So Obama plans to systematically exterminate fiscally responsible achivers?
While we're analysing the cartoon, did anyone else notice that the 'Hitler' character looks absolutely nothing like Hitler? Is there some reason for the cartoonist choosing to depict a generic Nazi instead (maybe so he can claim that he wasn't comparing Obama to Hitler, just Democrats to Nazis)? Because let's face it, Hitler is really easy to draw.
“Reductio ad Hitlerum… is a modern formal fallacy in logic. The name is a pun on reductio ad absurdum, or especially its related argumentum ad misericordiam. It is a variety of both questionable cause and association fallacy. The phrase reductio ad Hitlerum was coined by an academic ethicist, Leo Strauss, in 1953. Engaging in this fallacy is sometimes known as playing the Nazi card.
The fallacy most often assumes the form of “Hitler (or the Nazis) supported X, therefore X must be evil/undesirable/bad,” as in “Hitler supported the anti-smoking movement, thereby showing that such campaigns are wrong”. The argument carries emotional weight as rhetoric, since in most cultures anything relating to Hitler or Nazis is automatically condemned. The tactic is often used to derail arguments, as such a comparison tends to distract and to result in angry and less reasoned responses.”
Okay, I understand that. Obviously Obama has nothing to do with Marxism, Islam or Nazism. I know what Obama's religion/ideology is -- ENVIRONMENTALISM. Look at the people he has appointed. They are all pro mass transit. Sure, he's willing to save the auto industry from collapse (lending money to companies that build poor quality cars - rewarding the bad), but you heard the Democrats on Capitol Hill in December: They want the Big 3 to invest R & D for mass transit (rail and bus) projects. They made that very clear to the CEOs because they're looking to score political points. That will never make these companies viable. This Administration also wants to hybridize all new vehicles in the next few years. Not a good thing given the cost and the technological hurdles. It got a lot of coverage in Detroit News.
The whole point behind the cartoon is that bad behavior is rewarded, and good good behavior is not. People who practice good ethics are punished while unethical people are rewarded...for being unethical. "Let's buy a huge house with almost no money down, and then we can sell it in 5 years and make a whale of a profit!" Again, speculating with money you don't have. My father wanted to take out loans to buy stocks back in the late 90s. My mom was smart enough to talk my father out of it.
That may have been the intended message behind the cartoon, but it's not the actual message. Hitler actually blamed the Jews for the problems of 30s Germany. Obama has done no such thing with "fiscally responsible Americans". They will suffer some economic consequences, but the short and medium term impact of doing nothing would be calamitous. And those who have been fiscally responsible will suffer far less than those who haven't (and far less than the European Jews of WWII - I can't believe I have to point this out). Even the Bush Administration knew it had to respond. The cartoon could just as easily have been published in September with elephants instead of donkeys. Making it partisan suggests that a Republican response would not have affected "fiscally responsible Americans". As if their policies hadn't already. I don't remember any similar cartoons when Bush was running up vast deficits.
The whole point of the cartoon is to make a cheap partisan political point backed with imagery designed to scare and a historical analogy that doesn't hold water.
I have no idea what the environment has to do with this. As if that's all the spending package is about. It's not even the main point. The point of the stimulus package is to support the existing American capitalist system with some regulations designed to ensure this kind of economic crisis doesn't happen.
I'm not a million miles away from you in being frustrated about bailouts. But invoking Hitler is not the way to express it.
That may have been the intended message behind the cartoon, but it’s not the actual message. Hitler actually blamed the Jews for the problems of 30s Germany. Obama has done no such thing with “fiscally responsible Americans”.
The Obamas founded 'Public Allies'. This organization may appear to be moderate, but I suspect it is anti-white. I am very suspicious when it comes to Obama's intentions and the way he and his wife operate. Hitler was anti-Jew, Obama is anti-white (especially anti-white male). This is my fear. I don't want to believe it, but Obama has said things in the past that are extremely race and gender centric.
Remember: The foreclosures are mostly in states that have a high minority population. Florida, Arizona, California, etc. Minorities are the hardest hit, and he will see to it that they are taken care of.
Scott, the Democrats may actually enjoy Rush Limbaugh as the standard bearer of the Republican Party. Look at it like this: Does it benefit Hamas to have an angry, beardy guy named Osama on TV shouting about the secret zionist agenda? No way, it benefits Israel immensely. By the same token, when the GOP's main spokesperson is a lying, racist, womanizing, rich, white drug addict, it does more to serve the interests of the Democratic Party than it ever will for the Republicans.
"Minorities are the hardest hit, and he will see to it that they are taken care of."
No, the poor are the hardest hit. They happen to be disproportionately non-white. You've submitted that last link as evidence that white people have it tough? Read it again.
You suspect it Public Allies may be anti-white? Come back when you have some evidence, especially if, in the context of this discussion, you are trying to equate it with a Nazi front group. If that's not what you're doing, it's completely irrelevant.
You’ve submitted that last link as evidence that white people have it tough? Read it again.
No. I was pointing out that minorities are hit the hardest. This is the result of years of reckless lending.
Minorities are hit hard because they are poor. That's what Obama wants to do something about.
I keep re-reading your previous sentence. Still cannot believe you wrote "Hitler was anti-Jew, Obama is anti-white". As if there is any comparison here. Still cannot believe I am even engaging in dialogue here...
This man is pro-Black Liberation Theology all the way. Why can't you see that?
Obama's spinmeisters painted Obama as a post-racial candidate, but none of it was true. Did you listen to his speech on race last year? We're not going to have an open, honest discussion of race and gender in America. Do you think we're going to have that under Obama? The country can't even stomach the truth because much of it hurts. With Obama, all we will have is an ever accelerating victimhood. You think reverse discrmination is bad now? Wait 4-8 years.
The country has a guilt complex and it can't engage in open, honest discussion. And we certainly won't have it under Obama.
We can't stomach it. Imagine if Bill Cosby had run! He would have gotten my vote!!
Why can't I see it? Because there's no hard evidence for it. You're going to have to do better than a discredited anonymous website. Your unsupported fears are no substitute for a coherent argument when there's no evidence there. Let me know when Obama starts exterminating white men in the US rather than trying to prop up the existing capitalist system with a few regulations and I can assure you I'll be the first to admit I was wrong. Which comes back to my original point, and the point of this thread: if you think Black Liberation Theology=Democratic policy=Nazi ideology, then you clearly know nothing about any them.
The cartoon is not meant to be taken literally nor very seriously. You seem to have a fixation here. Yes, I said it was "accurate", but the whole thing is just a joke. You remind me of the angry Muslims who wanted to kill that European cartoonist who drew the prophet Mohammad.
Let me know when Obama starts exterminating white men in the US rather than trying to prop up the existing capitalist system with a few regulations and I can assure you I’ll be the first to admit I was wrong.
Yeah, placing Affirmative Action at the front of the bus, meritocracy at the back. That'll fix the capitalist system, right? Somebody exterminate me and get it over with...
Two messages, two more dubious analogies. I'll call it a night and let the public decide.
OK, let's do another lap...
Obama is exactly like Stalin because...
It's offensive to compare Obama to Stalin because...
Your wish is my command....