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"Brains" and the Obama Administration

David Milne's opinion piece on intellectuals and an Obama Administration, which we featured this weekend, has been followed by the thoughts of Nicholas D. Kristof in the New York Times on the intellectualism of Obama.

Interesting divide between the two pieces which reflects, I think, the tension in some of us over the upcoming Administration. Kristof's spirit of optimism and hope shouldn't be quashed, but I do wonder if we also need to keep Milne's attention to political reality close at hand.

Reader Comments (2)

I think Milne is right. Academics have sometimes had a hugely detrimental impact on foreign policy as he points out, especially the Rostow/Bundys and the Wolfowitzs of this world. At the same time the 'experts' have to be listened to, albeit with a healthy dose of scepticism. I personally think Obama is too astute to allow the foreign policy agenda to be seized by a small cabal of intellectuals. Less like LBJ and GWB, more like JFK ( as much as I hate comparing him to JFK)

November 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSimon T

I strongly believe that John Biden who will set the agenda of the middle east and not Obama.


November 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAbelhafid Dib

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