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Panic! US No Longer Number One!

Less than 24 hours after I argued, "America should not be at the centre of our approach to the world. It is not a case of 'America leads, we follow'," I read these headlines in the British press:

"No more them and us, with a farewell to American supremacy", "Sun setting on the American century", "US influence to decline"

The occasion for these doom-laden announcements is the publication of the US National Intelligence Council report, Global Trends 2025: A Transformed World. Actually, the substance of the report was leaked months ago, but its formal presentation is the ideal accompaniment to the fretting of columnists such as Thomas Friedman and Paul Kennedy that "[Obama] is to run a country far less dominant, relatively, than at the time of Wilson, Truman and Kennedy".

Still, maybe we're overreacting. Maybe we can go to sleep assured that America is still protecting all of us. For this is the headline on the same report in the New York Times:

Global Forecast by American Intelligence Expects Al Qaeda’s Appeal to Falter

Reader Comments (3)

The U.S. was only number one when it served a purpose, whatever that was. I bet alot of people think Obama is running the country now. He's not...

“Give me the right to issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who governs the country.” –Mayer Amschel Rothschild

November 21, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterrjjrdq

US Foreign policy in coming 2 decades -- If the predictions of this report are accurate, I wonder if neoconservativism could give way to paleoconservativism as the dominant conservative thought. 2025 - fall of the neocon, rise of the paleocon? Perhaps a return to the American mindset in the multipolar world of the 19th century is too much of a stretch for a 21st century multipolar world?

November 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDave

@Dave - An alternative outcome to all that might be found in this article I linked to a couple of weeks back:

2025 would find us at the apex of a big government, nation-building, modernising Fourth Republic, though with the (possibly paleoconservative) backlash only one or two Presidential terms away.

November 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMike Dunn

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