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Election 2008: Quick Senate Update

Three significant updates:

OREGON: Democrat Jeff Merkley has overcome his narrow deficit to defeat incumbent Republican Gordon Smith by more than 50,000 votes.

GEORGIA: Republican incumbent Saxby Chambliss has a lead of more than 110,000 votes over Democrat Jim Martin, but Georgia has a provision that the winning candidate must have a majority of the vote. That means a run-off, since an independent candidate received 127,000 votes.

MINNESOTA: It's a recount, as Republican incumbent Norm Coleman has a lead of 236 votes, out of more than 2.8 million cast, over Democrat Al Franken.

ALASKA: As hard as I stare at the screen, I can't change the more than 3,000-vote advantage that Felon Ted Stevens (Republican) has over Democrat Mark Begich.

With Minnesota and Georgia outstanding, the Democrats now have 55 confirmed seats in the Senate, a gain of six, plus the two Independents in their caucus. The Republicans, if Stevens is returned, have 41.

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