Afghanistan Video: Obama Rejects "All Military Options"?

Afghanistan Special: The Obama Administration Breaks Apart Over Military Escalation
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Complementing our assessment that the Obama Administration is now sharply divided over military escalation in Afghanistan, MSNBC's Rachel Maddow features an Associated Press report that all four options for troop increases have been rejected by the President:
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Buy Us A Cup of Coffee? Help Enduring America Expand Its Coverage and Analysis
Complementing our assessment that the Obama Administration is now sharply divided over military escalation in Afghanistan, MSNBC's Rachel Maddow features an Associated Press report that all four options for troop increases have been rejected by the President:

Associated Press,
Obama Administration,
Rachel Maddow in

Reader Comments (1)
I was wondering about the word "rejects" also. What they are saying is that the President was expected to choose one of 4 options presented yesterday. He didn't accept any of them & is asking for different plans. So not accepting is being called rejecting. In reality the final plan probably would be built on something already on the table, but (I hope) with some major disconnect from the trajectory we are on now.